Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Soul Master Handbook - Detachment Part 2

Detachment - a state of release from the attachment of things, people, ideas, beliefs, identify in order to attain authentic spiritual awakening.
In Soul Master Handbook - Detachment Part 1, I described the human tendencies towards attachment.
Remember that attachment, which can sometimes be unconscious, is the feeling that we "need" something in order to be who we are, or to feel complete and whole.
I would like for you to picture yourself strong, free, glowing with love and life, and then while still visualizing this image, honestly assess you attachments.
For every attachment you think of, add to your picture a rope tied to your arm and then anchored into the ground.
How many ropes are binding you? This restricted image is what attachment does to your soul and to your spiritual being and freedom.
Here are some common attachments, so be very honest with yourself on what you might be attaching yourself to.
  • Your own identity (who you are at work, home, relationships with your children, with your spouse, socially)
  • Your belief in religion, politics, parenting, morals, relationships
  • Material Items (house, car, money, heirlooms)
  • Rituals (hygiene rituals, morning rituals, driving, eating)
  • Others (spouse, children, friends, boss)
These attachments and our belief that we "need" any of them to be complete or that they define who we are, are derived out of fear or lack.
Understanding that fear and lack are the source for our attachment helps us to see that we are being controlled from outside influences as opposed to living from an authentically divine and love filled life.
It's like we are a puppet on a string being controlled by our attachments.
What would you do to keep them? What would you do to control them? If we take an honest look into our actions and behaviors we might see that we have made many bad choices due to our need to hang on to our various attachments.
Some might so, so what? So what if I fight to keep what is mine.
I earned it, I fought for it, I deserve these.
The answer to that question can only be fulfilled by asking another question.
Do you want to live your life within the confines of your ego driven desire to "prove" that you exist and that you matter, or do you want to live free.
There is no doubt that attachments can give us pleasure, but pleasure and fulfillment are two very different things.
One is extremely temporary and inclusive and the other is infinitely expansive and blissful.
I'm not here to convince you that attachments are bad and that detachment is good, but I do want to point out that until we can live without attachments, we will always be a slave to them.
True freedom, bliss, and unbounded abundant living can only come from a soul that is unencumbered by external things or thoughts and the acceptance of a being whole right now, not when we get something or when something happens.
Detachment work is extremely challenging because we are so conditioned to believe that if we don't have things or people in our lives, we don't have a life at all.
But the truth is, that if we can't recognize our wholeness and freedom now, we can't really appreciate the people and things in our lives.
Now, please do not feel that in order to gain a sense of detachment that selling everything you have and living in the most austere environment, with no one around and eating nuts and berries in order to survive is the way to get there.
Remember, detachment is not loss, detachment is release.
The idea of complete depravity of material items or companionship is just another attachment idea.
The process for releasing attachment to things does not come from actually removing them from our lives (although there may be times when that is appropriate), but comes from understanding we don't rely on them to be who we are or determine how we feel, act or live.
These "things" are not us, nor do they define us, control us, motivate us, or inspire us.
Stop looking for things to make you happy, fulfill you, please you.
Things cannot do that, or at least not for more than a short period of time.
Then you have to keep looking for more things, and more...
You will never be complete by the things, beliefs, or people we attach ourselves to.
Look no further because you have all you need right where you are.
If you don't feel this way, consider that because you have projected yourself to your attachments then you can only be as big as they are, which is extremely limited.
For myself, I want to live bigger.
I want to open myself to new experience, expansive love and peace, constant flow and infinite energy.
This cannot happen when we live inside our attachments.
Below are a few ideas to get a fresh perspective on attachment and developing a new sense of detachment.
  • Honestly appraise what some of your attachment mentalities or items are.
    Make a list down one side of paper listing them.
    Then draw a line down the center of the paper and opposite your attachment, write down the reason why you appreciate this attachment.
    For instance, one attachment might be for money, opposite this attachment you might say you appreciate money because of the experiences you get to share that need money, or providing great meals for your family, and so on.
    When we begin to transpose attachment to appreciation, then we take a new perspective on the things we are attached to.
    Be very authentic and honest with your attachments and your appreciations in this exercise.
    You may learn something quite valuable.
  • Take a moment and visualize yourself completely unattached to everything you currently hold onto today.
    Write a story in your mind about how you can live abundantly and fully as a free being.
    See a different view of your life without your attachments and how amazing it is.
  • Perform a cleansing ritual from your attachments but writing down all your attachments on a small piece of paper and then burning them in the trash can.
    You are not burning the item, person, or belief, you are burning the attachment to it.
  • Every time you catch yourself exhibiting an attachment mentality, clinging, hoarding, idolizing, obsessing, weakness towards, or strong longing for, from anything from ice cream to a your spouse or your favorite house, affirm your freedom with a powerful affirmation.
o I am not my thoughts, beliefs, possessions, or habits.
I am so much more than these
o I release the need to judge or criticize o I allow myself and those around me the freedom to be themselves, without imposing rigid ideas of right and wrong.
o I am living in total freedom.
I don't know what will happen next, and I love it!
o I AM everything I need o I live in the present, therefore I cannot attach to any thoughts or beliefs of the past and I relinquish my need to see the future.
I'll close today's article with lyrics from a popular song by Bruno Mars.
Cut the strings of these attachments and start moving around in your infinite potential.
Do not be a slave to your attachments any longer.
The next article in the Soul Masters Handbook will be about Letting Go, which is an important element to detachment, but also includes a new thread of trust.
Letting go is extremely important part of learning and practicing detachment, but when we take letting go a step further to put our hand in the Divine, then shut our eyes, Whoa...
That's when amazing begins.
Today my Life Begins by Bruno Mars I've been working hard so long Seems like pain has been my only friend My fragile heart's been done so wrong I wondered if I'd ever heal again Oh just like all the seasons never stay the same All around me I can feel a change (oh) I will break these chains that bind me, happiness will find me Leave the past behind me, today my life begins A whole new world is waiting its mine for the taking I know I can make it today my life begins Yesterday has come and gone And I've learn how to leave it where it is And I see that I was wrong For ever doubting I could win Enjoy on youtube:http://www.
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