Technology Software

What Are the Steps For Implementing Tests With Keyword Driven Methodology in QTP?

Step 1: Analyze the application to find out the testing needs: In this step, we determine our application's development environment, such as Web, Java, or .
NET, so that we can load the required QTP add-ins.
We also find out the business processes and functionality we want to test.
Step 2: Set up object repositories: After we decide what we want to test and how to divide our actions, we build the set of resources to be used by our tests.
The most widely used resource is the shared object repository.
Step 3: Create function libraries: After we create our object repositories, we create function libraries containing functions that extend QTP functionality.
Application testers can use these keywords to build keyword-driven tests.
Step 4: Configure QTP according to our testing needs: Here we set up the global testing preferences, run session preferences, and any test-specific preferences.
If needed, we can create recovery scenarios that instruct QTP how to proceed when a step fails.
We also configure the QTP window so that we can easily access any needed panes, such as the Test Flow pane, the Resources pane, and the Available Keywords pane.
Step 5: Build the tests: We now construct our tests by inserting calls to the relevant actions from our tests.
Create one or more empty tests and add actions to them.
Make sure that we associate our object repositories with the relevant actions, and associate our function libraries and recovery scenarios with the relevant tests, so that we can insert steps using keywords.
We may also need to configure test preferences at this point.
Step 6: Add steps to the test actions: Add steps that use the keywords we created in previous steps.
We can then enhance our tests by inserting checkpoints and output values to verify that our application is behaving according to expectations.
We can add programmatic statements to further enhance our tests.
Step 7: Run, analyze, and troubleshoot our tests: When our tests are ready, we run them, view the run results, and troubleshoot our tests, as needed.
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