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Philosophy of History: Philosophy of Historical Events & Historical Processes

What is the Philosophy of History?:

The Philosophy of History is the study of history, writing about history, and what impact history has. It is referred to as Critical, Analytical, or Formal Philosophy of History, as well as the Philosophy of Historiography. If the focus is on the progress of history and whether history is moving towards a final, ultimate goal, or is just a collection of events with no purpose or end, it is called the Speculative, Synoptic, or the Material Philosophy of History.

For many religious theists, the philosophy of history is more an explanation of how their god works in human history to unveil and ultimate plan.

Why Should Atheists Care About the Philosophy of History?:

Atheists whose political and economic philosophies follow Hegel or Marx don't need to have the importance of the philosophy of history explained to them; for other atheists, this branch of philosophy won't come up much. It's relevant when critiquing theists' arguments about how history is following some divine plan or that historical events must have occurred through divine interaction. It's also relevant when evaluating the historical writings of theists who are working from a particular philosophy of history that influences their work in significant, but not entirely obvious ways.

History and Philosophy:

Few philosophers spend time with the Philosophy of History, but it is important to those who follow in the tradition of Hegel and Marx. These philosophers argued that history is moving towards some ultimate end, although they differed on what that end will be.

Otherwise, the Philosophy of History is addressed when questions of actually writing history come up ? for example, how historical accounts are used by people today to advance some political or ideological agenda. Because of this, when reading a book on history, it can be helpful to understand what the author?s philosophy of history actually is.

Questions asked in the Philosophy of History:

What is history?
Where is human history going?
What meaning does history have for us?

Important texts on the Philosophy of History:

The Philosophy of History, by GWF Hegel
Capital, by Karl Marx
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