We are living in a time of recognition and documentation.
To be a person of influence in this wisdom age you must leave foot prints of excellence on the sand of time.
The best way to leave a lasting legacy, immortalize you name and success is by packaging your thoughts, ideas, stories, findings and convictions in a book.
Becoming an author is a thing of joy.
It is higherlife because you have used the genius in you for the betterment of human kind.
Who is an author? An author is the writer of a book.
This makes you an expert, authority, a consultant and a sage.
An author is an immortal and a life-giving spirit.
An author is an entrepreneur and a leader.
The Acronym for Author:A - Authenticity, U-Uniqueness, T-Trust worthy, H-Humble, O-Organized, R-Realistic.
Good people read books, but great ones write books.
Authorship is for everyone! How can I make such a bold claim? Because we all have an idea, a story or an experience that can be packaged in a book and bless human kind with it.
Authorship is for the rich because you must be a happy and healthy person who has abundance mentality for you to be able to bless generations with your genius.
Benefits of being an author include: Authority, Creative Exchange, Recognition of Your Genius, Exposure of your accomplishment, Business Growth, Networking Platform, Multiple stream of income, Branding, Consulting/Speaking opportunities, Successful immortality and gestational impartation.
There are four parts involved in book authorship.
1 is the Writing, 2 is the Editing, 3 is the Publishing and 4 is the Marketing/Publicity.
To write a good book you must communicate your message with simplicity, clarity and power.
As a genius with a pen, your book must be outstanding.
You write because there is a message that you want to pass across to the masses and surely this will bring you respect, fame and riches.
There are questions you must answer before you start writing: 1.
Who is my audience? 2.
What is the importance of my book? 3.
How and what will my reader benefit from my work? 4.
Will my book provide important information? 5.
Will my book inspire the reader to do something - to act upon the information? To do well in your writing, you must enhance your knowledge in the literary field.
You need a good dictionary and thesaurus.
Putting thoughts on paper is an art that requires information and creativity.
To overcome writer's bloc, be knowledgeable in the subject you want to write about, relax your mind and allow your pen to flow.
The substance of your manuscript must satisfy three basic laws of writing: syntax, phonics and semantics.
Syntax-the rule of grammar must be obeyed.
Your sentences must be structured and words correctly spelled.
Make sure your writing is coherent.
Phonics- Every word has a sound.
Read your manuscript aloud listen to how it sounds.
Does it flow?Semantics-- know the meaning of each word you use, and use it correctly.
Some writing tips include: Give your book a precise and mind-provoking title, chapters should be well arranged.
Make your words evoke images and sensations, give your readers something they can tuck into their heart and meditate on.
Example: "you have a life; make a success of it.
" and research very well.
Editing is the period of scrutinizing the words and ideas you have brought to light in your work.
As the writer, you are in love with your work and this closeness can blind you to errors.
You need a professional editor.
Editors know what make a book sell and they give you the best.
An editor fine-tunes your work.
You must invest to harvest.
To save money on editing services is a recipe for absolute failure.
Pay an editor and get the best editing services.
If you write and your manuscript is edited but your work is not published, you have not realized your goal of authorship.
Self publishing is the way to go.
All great authors you know started as self publishing authors.
For the publishing of your book, use a reputable publisher and he will give you the best packaging and services.
From cover design, to page layering, ISBN, etc.
, he make sure that you book stands out anywhere in the world.
Now your book is published, you don't go to sleep for heaven to do the marketing, promotion and publicity for you.
This is the time to bring your influence, connections and contacts to play.
Before you now, you know the niche/genre your book is into; utilize your network in this area and get publicity for your work.
Here are some marketing tips you can use: 1.
Get reviews, endorsement and testimonials.
Organize a book lunch.
Set up an autograph party.
Make your book available in book fairs and conferences.
Use Mass Media, e.
, newspapers, TV and radio services.
Use the internet.
The internet has features that can be used to publicize, promote and market your book examples:Datebook article writing, LinkedIn, good reads, Websites, MySpace etc.
Remember to include your bio and picture in your book.
One thing I know is that you won't remain the same after going through the processes involved in making your book a success.
I have been there and I know what I am talking about.
You will be made better and stronger.
Immortalize your name, inspire and empower others by writing a book.
You must be in control of the authorship of your own destiny.
The pen that writes your success story must be held in your own hand.
Take a deep breath, brainstorm on an ideas and allow your pen to flow.
I greet the genius In You!
To be a person of influence in this wisdom age you must leave foot prints of excellence on the sand of time.
The best way to leave a lasting legacy, immortalize you name and success is by packaging your thoughts, ideas, stories, findings and convictions in a book.
Becoming an author is a thing of joy.
It is higherlife because you have used the genius in you for the betterment of human kind.
Who is an author? An author is the writer of a book.
This makes you an expert, authority, a consultant and a sage.
An author is an immortal and a life-giving spirit.
An author is an entrepreneur and a leader.
The Acronym for Author:A - Authenticity, U-Uniqueness, T-Trust worthy, H-Humble, O-Organized, R-Realistic.
Good people read books, but great ones write books.
Authorship is for everyone! How can I make such a bold claim? Because we all have an idea, a story or an experience that can be packaged in a book and bless human kind with it.
Authorship is for the rich because you must be a happy and healthy person who has abundance mentality for you to be able to bless generations with your genius.
Benefits of being an author include: Authority, Creative Exchange, Recognition of Your Genius, Exposure of your accomplishment, Business Growth, Networking Platform, Multiple stream of income, Branding, Consulting/Speaking opportunities, Successful immortality and gestational impartation.
There are four parts involved in book authorship.
1 is the Writing, 2 is the Editing, 3 is the Publishing and 4 is the Marketing/Publicity.
To write a good book you must communicate your message with simplicity, clarity and power.
As a genius with a pen, your book must be outstanding.
You write because there is a message that you want to pass across to the masses and surely this will bring you respect, fame and riches.
There are questions you must answer before you start writing: 1.
Who is my audience? 2.
What is the importance of my book? 3.
How and what will my reader benefit from my work? 4.
Will my book provide important information? 5.
Will my book inspire the reader to do something - to act upon the information? To do well in your writing, you must enhance your knowledge in the literary field.
You need a good dictionary and thesaurus.
Putting thoughts on paper is an art that requires information and creativity.
To overcome writer's bloc, be knowledgeable in the subject you want to write about, relax your mind and allow your pen to flow.
The substance of your manuscript must satisfy three basic laws of writing: syntax, phonics and semantics.
Syntax-the rule of grammar must be obeyed.
Your sentences must be structured and words correctly spelled.
Make sure your writing is coherent.
Phonics- Every word has a sound.
Read your manuscript aloud listen to how it sounds.
Does it flow?Semantics-- know the meaning of each word you use, and use it correctly.
Some writing tips include: Give your book a precise and mind-provoking title, chapters should be well arranged.
Make your words evoke images and sensations, give your readers something they can tuck into their heart and meditate on.
Example: "you have a life; make a success of it.
" and research very well.
Editing is the period of scrutinizing the words and ideas you have brought to light in your work.
As the writer, you are in love with your work and this closeness can blind you to errors.
You need a professional editor.
Editors know what make a book sell and they give you the best.
An editor fine-tunes your work.
You must invest to harvest.
To save money on editing services is a recipe for absolute failure.
Pay an editor and get the best editing services.
If you write and your manuscript is edited but your work is not published, you have not realized your goal of authorship.
Self publishing is the way to go.
All great authors you know started as self publishing authors.
For the publishing of your book, use a reputable publisher and he will give you the best packaging and services.
From cover design, to page layering, ISBN, etc.
, he make sure that you book stands out anywhere in the world.
Now your book is published, you don't go to sleep for heaven to do the marketing, promotion and publicity for you.
This is the time to bring your influence, connections and contacts to play.
Before you now, you know the niche/genre your book is into; utilize your network in this area and get publicity for your work.
Here are some marketing tips you can use: 1.
Get reviews, endorsement and testimonials.
Organize a book lunch.
Set up an autograph party.
Make your book available in book fairs and conferences.
Use Mass Media, e.
, newspapers, TV and radio services.
Use the internet.
The internet has features that can be used to publicize, promote and market your book examples:Datebook article writing, LinkedIn, good reads, Websites, MySpace etc.
Remember to include your bio and picture in your book.
One thing I know is that you won't remain the same after going through the processes involved in making your book a success.
I have been there and I know what I am talking about.
You will be made better and stronger.
Immortalize your name, inspire and empower others by writing a book.
You must be in control of the authorship of your own destiny.
The pen that writes your success story must be held in your own hand.
Take a deep breath, brainstorm on an ideas and allow your pen to flow.
I greet the genius In You!