Health & Medical Anti Aging

A Quest For The Best Wrinkle Cream

There are often vast differences between wrinkle creams and anti-aging products available. If you want to find the best wrinkle cream, it will mean carefully deliberating between the choices available, in the hopes of saving time and money, by avoiding the inefficacy of the many lousy and often expensive "solutions" offered.

Spot the Differences
What exactly are these differences? For one thing, a facial moisturizer is formulated to be applied during the day while a wrinkle cream should be applied at night. This is because the latter contains anti-wrinkle ingredients specifically retinol that easily and quickly degrades under the harsh glare of sunlight. The efficacy of the anti-wrinkle product is then significantly lessened.

Most facial moisturizers contain sunscreen to protect the skin from the sun's harmful ultraviolet rays. In contrast, anti-wrinkle product provide no sun protection since these are applied at night instead of during the day. Again, the presence of light-sensitive ingredients like retinol is the reason behind said application instructions.

Specialized Ingredients
When you look at the ingredients label of the best wrinkle cream, you will notice that the substances used are similar to almost any over-the-counter facial moisturizer. Yes, there may be more specialized ingredients in the cream but the base ingredients are similar.

These specialized ingredients, which are usually anti-aging compounds, perform two functions. First, these compounds lessen the appearance of fine lines on the skin before these prematurely develop into noticeable wrinkles. Second, these ingredients increase skin cell turnover - shed dead skin cells off and, thus, allow the young skin cells to migrate to the surface for younger-looking skin.

The best wrinkle cream should have the following ingredients although we must note that this list is not an all-inclusive one:

€ Antioxidants help the skin counteract the damaging effects of free radicals on the skin. Free radicals are compounds found in food and the environment that damage healthy cells eventually leading to fine lines, wrinkles, and deep creases. The best analogy is that free radicals are the rust on a piece of iron, which represents the body. The most common antioxidants used are Vitamin E (tocopherol), Vitamin C (ascorbyl palmitate), green tea (camellia), soy extract and grapeseed. The best cream has several antioxidants in its mix with the obvious aim being to maximize their efficacy against the aging effects of free radicals.

€ Alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) perform several functions in warding off fine lines on skin. First, these give skin a healthy radiance that evokes youthfulness. Secondly, these act as carriers of other ingredients, thus, allowing for better penetration into the deeper levels of the skin. Thirdly, these help in sloughing dead skin cells off the skin's surface, thus, improving its appearance. Beware, however, as AHAs can cause temporary skin flaking and redness. Avoid sun exposure as much as possible. Experts suggest anti-wrinkle product with a minimum of 5% AHA.

€ Retinol, a derivative of Vitamin A, is arguably the most important ingredient in an effective anti-wrinkle skincare product. Its main function is to increase the body's collagen production, thus, lessening the appearance of deep wrinkles. Collagen plumps the skin, so to speak. Retinol can be bought either in an over-the-counter product or in prescription form depending on its strength. For deep wrinkles, a dermatologist can prescribe high-strength retinol.

In conclusion, the best wrinkle cream can only do so much for your skin. A healthy diet coupled with a healthy lifestyle is still the best foundation for smooth, supple and healthy skin.

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