- 1). Maintain a clean appearance. Make sure your hair is neatly styled and that your makeup is tastefully applied. Instead of going out in sweatpants, wear a nice dress or a pair of dress slacks with a blouse. Avoid wearing clothes that are too revealing.
- 2). Be polite. Always say "please" and "thank you". Never be too demanding or act like you are better than anyone. Keep your voice down and do not say curse words in front of others. Using curse words can make you appear low-class.
- 3). Keep your composure. If you become angry at someone, do not lose your temper. Instead of yelling at her, express your emotions in a gentle manner. Take a deep breathe and drink a glass of water if you feel like you are losing your cool.
- 4). Practice good table manners. Sit up straight and avoid putting your elbows on the table. Do not place your utensils on the table after you used them, place it on the edge of your plate instead. Never groom yourself at the table, such as brushing your hair or putting on lipstick. If you have to leave the table, ask to be excused first.