Society & Culture & Entertainment Writing

Birds - Migrate to Different Regions for their Survival

Some people can forecast the changing seasons by watching the migratory birds. Avian migration is a usual process, but not all birds come under this category. Humans are always fascinated by the phenomenon of bird migration and they consider birds as a symbol of unity, peace, beauty and celebration of life. Why birds make such long journeys?

One of the major reasons behind migration is the scarcity of food. If all birds concentrate on the same tropical area for a long time there will be a food shortage and this affects their feeding and breeding habits in a negative way. So some birds migrate to northern regions from tropical regions to take advantage of the food supplies available there. When food resources start declining in the migrated regions, they will return to their homeland.

Though food will be the main cause of migration, some other reasons related to migration are climatic changes, protection from predators and certain diseases. When certain conditions including low temperatures are not favorable for breeding, birds will migrate to regions where conditions are better. Many arctic birds migrate to temperate habitats when the temperature at that region begins to come down. Similarly, certain birds from the hottest tropical regions will migrate to better climatic conditions for laying eggs and raising their chicks. To protect young one from predators can be the other reason behind avian migration. Birds fly to favorable regions and feed their young ones till they attain maturity. Most of the birds are seen in groups and the breakout of a disease can remove the entire flock from the earth.
To avoid this, birds will migrate to different locations to reduce the chance for spreading the disease in the entire population.

Migratory birds take preparations before starting their journey. This includes reducing the fat content in the body and taking a lot of foodstuffs to streamline their feathers and give body full strength and stamina. When weather conditions and wind comes in their favor they start flying. Birds cover long distances by going along the direction of the wind. Sometimes they even shift altitude to find the best wind conveyor belt. Going with the wind helps them not only to cover enormous distances, but also to use minimal energy. Certain birds depend on the hot air rising from the ground to gain altitude. Such type of birds usually prefers day times for their flying.

According to seasonal changes, birds change their migration patterns. In summer season most of the birds migrate to southern wintering grounds from northern areas. Meanwhile, birds in the African regions move towards northern wintering grounds during their breeding season. Some other birds migrate depending on the altitude in which they live. Birds commonly seen in mountainous regions will migrate to the lowlands during summer and vice versa when there is a scarcity of food or when their breeding season starts.

It's really interesting to watch different types of birds, their habitats, feeding and breeding behavior in different programs airing on television channels. As birds don't have permanent houses just like human beings they don't have to worry about the security issues when they move from one region to another. If it is a human being then he has to secure his house from burglars and external intruders using alarms from companies like ADT Home Security System.

But the sad part of the story is that migratory birds are facing lots of threats from human beings. Pollution and destruction of their natural habitats for agriculture purposes and building many storied malls and flats are the major threats faced by these birds. We celebrate world migratory day every year to create awareness among people about the threats faced by the migratory birds and the need to conserve them.
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