Business & Finance Blogging

5 Tips to Get the Cobwebs Off Your Blog

At first you were excited about your blog but now it's become nothing more than another New Year's Resolution.
You had high hopes for it as a place to share your interests, your business, and even your favorite nonprofit.
But you just can't get your ideas out of your head onto the Internet.
Here are five suggestions to get your writing and your blog back online: Share What's On Your Mind: Think about what people are talking about right now.
Whether it's swine flu or summer movies, share your opinion.
Here all you're doing is starting a conversation online.
Capture Your Thoughts: Get used to walking around with a pen and a piece of paper.
You'll find the best ideas for blogs come to you when you're not trying to think of them.
But then a great idea does come, make sure you capture it.
Don't rely on your memory.
That's how the good stuff gets away.
What is Your Best Kept Secret: What is it about you that you're passionate about that no one knows? This can be from your personal life, your business, or a hobby.
Take us inside your world and make us look at you in a different way.
So often the most interesting thing about a person isn't their job title.
What gets you excited in life and what gets you excited to get out of bed every day.
Tell Me About Places Where You've Lived: Nothing builds rapport faster than finding out that you grew up a few miles from where I did or that we both share a passion for the same place.
If you've traveled to interesting or unusual destinations, share that with me as well.
Promote Your Business: But you're not going to make it like a commercial! Take me behind the scenes of what you do.
Teach me something about your industry or tell me about an average day.
What gets you excited to come to work every day? What's the best and worst thing about your job? By pulling back the curtain, we can learn more about you.
This kind of sharing makes your business seem more interesting because you've attached a human face to it.
That's a major and often ignored step in branding.
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