More and more people want or need to burn fat and most will give up after getting little or no results.
The reason they don't get the results is because they are not doing the right exercises that will burn fat and build muscle all at the same time.
Most people go to the gym and when they get there they train using cardio equipment ( treadmill, stationary bike, etc.
) then they move on to weight training, and they spend up to 1 hour or more in the gym, and after a month or so, they are not getting the results they want they stop exercising all together.
The best way to exercise and get results is to stay home and to exercise using a bodyweight circuit, with little or no rest at all for five to fifteen minutes a day.
Most people think jogging will answer all their fat loss problems and the fact is that even if you jog you still need to do some kind of strength training to burn fat and this will take more time.
When you exercise using bodyweight circuits you will be working "cardio" building muscle and burning fat at a very rapid pace.
Bodyweight circuits are the answer for building muscle, flexibility, and fat burning they always have and always will, after all this is how the military gets men and women in shape and ready for battle in record time.
Just to show the benefits of a bodyweight circuit try this sample circuit: 10 pushups- 10 bodyweight squats- 10 jumping jacks- 10 situps There is no rest in between exercises, move from one exercise to the other, when you get to the bottom start over and go through the circuit again.
The circuit should be done as fast as possible for five to fifteen minutes.
The reason they don't get the results is because they are not doing the right exercises that will burn fat and build muscle all at the same time.
Most people go to the gym and when they get there they train using cardio equipment ( treadmill, stationary bike, etc.
) then they move on to weight training, and they spend up to 1 hour or more in the gym, and after a month or so, they are not getting the results they want they stop exercising all together.
The best way to exercise and get results is to stay home and to exercise using a bodyweight circuit, with little or no rest at all for five to fifteen minutes a day.
Most people think jogging will answer all their fat loss problems and the fact is that even if you jog you still need to do some kind of strength training to burn fat and this will take more time.
When you exercise using bodyweight circuits you will be working "cardio" building muscle and burning fat at a very rapid pace.
Bodyweight circuits are the answer for building muscle, flexibility, and fat burning they always have and always will, after all this is how the military gets men and women in shape and ready for battle in record time.
Just to show the benefits of a bodyweight circuit try this sample circuit: 10 pushups- 10 bodyweight squats- 10 jumping jacks- 10 situps There is no rest in between exercises, move from one exercise to the other, when you get to the bottom start over and go through the circuit again.
The circuit should be done as fast as possible for five to fifteen minutes.