Do you want to know how to stop early ejaculation simply by doing some premature ejaculation exercises which are free and easy to do? In this connection, you may want to know that among the many premature ejaculation exercises, "Kegel" exercise is one of the most famous ones.
Everyone can do Kegel which has been proven to help prevent premature ejaculation for many men.
For "Kegel" exercise, once you get the hang of it, it can be done several times in a day for 5-10 minutes per session - effortlessly.
To make sure you get the full benefit from this exercise, you must know the right way of doing it.
That's what I am going to share with you here.
First, locate your pubococcygeus muscle (PC muscle) One of the main objectives of premature ejaculation exercises like Kegel exercise is to strengthen one's PC muscle.
It is proven that a stronger PC muscle will help preventing premature ejaculation.
So, before you start the exercise, first find out where your PC muscle is and how it feels like.
Second, start with the basic - squeeze your PC Muscle In the basic Kegel exercise, what you do is squeezing your PC muscle as hard as you can and hold them for about 3-5 seconds, then release and relax for 5 seconds.
When you release the muscle, pay attention to how your muscles feel.
See how much you can do this exercise before your muscles feel tired.
Third, repeat the basic You will achieve the best result from your premature ejaculation exercises if you repeat the exercise in a set.
What I suggest here is do 5 repetitions for the basic set of Kegel exercise - meaning to squeeze, hold then release for 5 times in a day.
Fourth, slowly building up your strength Do this Kegel exercise every few days.
Increase the length of time you hold the squeeze for and the number of exercises you do per time.
Strive to reach a level where you can hold the squeeze for ten seconds and do ten times per set - that is, squeeze, hold for ten second, release, relax for ten seconds, and repeat this for ten times.
Fifth, do your kegel exercises three or four times a day Like any other premature ejaculation exercises, practice makes perfect.
If you want fast and good results, do your Kegel exercise consistently - three or four times in a day.
Try to do ten reps per session, holding for ten seconds on each exercise.
You can also try to vary the intensity of your squeezing and the amount of time you hold the squeeze, or try to do rapid squeeze and release.
Experiment with how long you can comfortably hold a squeeze.
Remember not to push yourself to the point of pain or discomfort.
Sixth, do Kegel while masturbating You can also incorporate Kegel exercises in your masturbation.
Do the exercise while you are warming up, before you have an orgasm and while you are having an orgasm.
You would notice that Kegel change the way you feel about sexual excitement and orgasm.
For most men, Kegel works in delaying ejaculation and allow them to have a better ejaculatory control.
Other important things that you must note when doing Kegel exercises is avoid tensing up your whole body.
You should isolate the PC muscle and only stress on the PC muscle that you are using.
Also, like any other premature ejaculation exercises, you must not overdo the Kegel exercise.
It is important to take it slowly so as not to hurt yourself in the process.
If you experience pain or discomfort, it may be because you are pushing yourself too hard.
When that happens, stop the Kegel and try to do it again after resting for a while.
If you want to stop early ejaculation using premature ejaculation exercises, Kegel is surely one of them that you must try out.
It's easy, simple and effective.
You can do it anywhere anytime without being "caught" of doing it.
So, try it out and keep doing it consistently to see result.
Everyone can do Kegel which has been proven to help prevent premature ejaculation for many men.
For "Kegel" exercise, once you get the hang of it, it can be done several times in a day for 5-10 minutes per session - effortlessly.
To make sure you get the full benefit from this exercise, you must know the right way of doing it.
That's what I am going to share with you here.
First, locate your pubococcygeus muscle (PC muscle) One of the main objectives of premature ejaculation exercises like Kegel exercise is to strengthen one's PC muscle.
It is proven that a stronger PC muscle will help preventing premature ejaculation.
So, before you start the exercise, first find out where your PC muscle is and how it feels like.
Second, start with the basic - squeeze your PC Muscle In the basic Kegel exercise, what you do is squeezing your PC muscle as hard as you can and hold them for about 3-5 seconds, then release and relax for 5 seconds.
When you release the muscle, pay attention to how your muscles feel.
See how much you can do this exercise before your muscles feel tired.
Third, repeat the basic You will achieve the best result from your premature ejaculation exercises if you repeat the exercise in a set.
What I suggest here is do 5 repetitions for the basic set of Kegel exercise - meaning to squeeze, hold then release for 5 times in a day.
Fourth, slowly building up your strength Do this Kegel exercise every few days.
Increase the length of time you hold the squeeze for and the number of exercises you do per time.
Strive to reach a level where you can hold the squeeze for ten seconds and do ten times per set - that is, squeeze, hold for ten second, release, relax for ten seconds, and repeat this for ten times.
Fifth, do your kegel exercises three or four times a day Like any other premature ejaculation exercises, practice makes perfect.
If you want fast and good results, do your Kegel exercise consistently - three or four times in a day.
Try to do ten reps per session, holding for ten seconds on each exercise.
You can also try to vary the intensity of your squeezing and the amount of time you hold the squeeze, or try to do rapid squeeze and release.
Experiment with how long you can comfortably hold a squeeze.
Remember not to push yourself to the point of pain or discomfort.
Sixth, do Kegel while masturbating You can also incorporate Kegel exercises in your masturbation.
Do the exercise while you are warming up, before you have an orgasm and while you are having an orgasm.
You would notice that Kegel change the way you feel about sexual excitement and orgasm.
For most men, Kegel works in delaying ejaculation and allow them to have a better ejaculatory control.
Other important things that you must note when doing Kegel exercises is avoid tensing up your whole body.
You should isolate the PC muscle and only stress on the PC muscle that you are using.
Also, like any other premature ejaculation exercises, you must not overdo the Kegel exercise.
It is important to take it slowly so as not to hurt yourself in the process.
If you experience pain or discomfort, it may be because you are pushing yourself too hard.
When that happens, stop the Kegel and try to do it again after resting for a while.
If you want to stop early ejaculation using premature ejaculation exercises, Kegel is surely one of them that you must try out.
It's easy, simple and effective.
You can do it anywhere anytime without being "caught" of doing it.
So, try it out and keep doing it consistently to see result.