When you were growing up you might have experienced development of breast.
It is a normal part of male development during puberty.
It is also normal to lose it naturally as you age.
But what happens if you do not lose it and it stays with you even after reaching over 20 years old? Is it still normal? The answer is a definite no.
Boobs are for women not for men.
So what must you do if you have man boobs? Here are two man boob exercises to help you.
A very simple chest exercise that you can do is push up.
Here are the steps to guide you.
Assume a prone position on a mat.
Place your two hands under your body.
Your hands should be a shoulder width apart.
Lift yourself up by pushing the floor using your arms.
See to it that you create a straight line from the head down to your feet.
This is your starting position for this workout.
Lower your torso to the ground but it should not touch the floor.
Stop when your elbows already make a 90 degree angle.
Then raise your torso up again by pushing the floor until you return to the starting position.
Do step number four several times.
The next on the man boob exercises list that you can do is the dumbbell fly.
Here are the steps that you must follow.
Lie with your back on the floor.
The floor should be carpeted or with cushion.
Spread your arms straight on your sides.
The elbows shouldn't lock.
You must be holding dumbbells with identical weights.
Next, put your feet flat on the floor.
Bend your knees.
Lift the dumbbells up in front of you until they almost touch each other.
Your arms must be straight but again, the elbows should not lock.
Lower the dumbbells to bring them black to the floor.
This is the portion where the muscles receive more tension.
Repeat steps five and six several times.
These two man boob exercises will help you a lot in losing your boobs.
Observe the steps well to avoid injuries.
It is a normal part of male development during puberty.
It is also normal to lose it naturally as you age.
But what happens if you do not lose it and it stays with you even after reaching over 20 years old? Is it still normal? The answer is a definite no.
Boobs are for women not for men.
So what must you do if you have man boobs? Here are two man boob exercises to help you.
A very simple chest exercise that you can do is push up.
Here are the steps to guide you.
Assume a prone position on a mat.
Place your two hands under your body.
Your hands should be a shoulder width apart.
Lift yourself up by pushing the floor using your arms.
See to it that you create a straight line from the head down to your feet.
This is your starting position for this workout.
Lower your torso to the ground but it should not touch the floor.
Stop when your elbows already make a 90 degree angle.
Then raise your torso up again by pushing the floor until you return to the starting position.
Do step number four several times.
The next on the man boob exercises list that you can do is the dumbbell fly.
Here are the steps that you must follow.
Lie with your back on the floor.
The floor should be carpeted or with cushion.
Spread your arms straight on your sides.
The elbows shouldn't lock.
You must be holding dumbbells with identical weights.
Next, put your feet flat on the floor.
Bend your knees.
Lift the dumbbells up in front of you until they almost touch each other.
Your arms must be straight but again, the elbows should not lock.
Lower the dumbbells to bring them black to the floor.
This is the portion where the muscles receive more tension.
Repeat steps five and six several times.
These two man boob exercises will help you a lot in losing your boobs.
Observe the steps well to avoid injuries.