- 1). Clean and sanitize all the brewing instruments. When brewing beer, everything must be as clean as it possible. From the countertops to the fermenters, you should thoroughly clean and sanitize your equipment. The smallest pollutant can ruin what could otherwise have been an excellent batch of beer.
- 2). Use filtered spring water. The water in your beer is the largest and most prevalent ingredient. Use the best water you can afford and avoid using tap water unless you filter it. Most tap water contains additives and other minerals, and these can affect the taste of the beer. Using fresh filtered spring water should produce better batches of brew.
- 3). Ferment the beer at the proper temperatures. Temperature is key when brewing beer. Ales should be fermented close to room temperature while lagers should ferment in much colder temperatures. Depending on what type of beer you are trying to brew, you will need to make sure the beer ferments at the proper temperature, or the taste will be affected.