Business & Finance Social Media

Baby Boomer Business - 3 Tips to Create Good Karma With Social Media Marketing

How do you ensure that you are one of the good guys out there in the social media marketing world.
I take a look at my Facebook or Twitter stream/posts and realize why so many people fail on the Internet.
They are just posting a constant stream of "buy my stuff" and nothing else.
Remember this is social media and you need to be prepared to be social.
Here are 3 ways that you can create good karma for you and your home based business in the on-line environment...
Respond/Reply: Remember to stay in touch with all of the people who reach out to you.
Respond to their comments, tweets and questions.
Ask questions that are engaging, this way people will want to connect with you.
They will see that you are a real person, not just a robot posting links to buy products.
Two very good examples are Jeff Herring and Bob Burg.
Both of these men will answer your questions and respond to comments you post on their fan pages.
Give Users Alternatives: There are still 1,000's of people out there who know next to nothing about Social Media Marketing and do not trust the Internet.
Give them choices on how to connect with you, be available on as many platforms as you can, including email and telephone.
On my Terrific Tuesday Teleclass I make sure that if people are too shy to ask questions live on the call that they have alternate options for getting their questions answered.
Reward Good Mojo: Create contests, give away prizes or conduct surveys.
People, including you and me love to be a part of a success story or a winning team.
Provide that opportunity in as many ways as you can.
Reaching out and saying thanks is an excellent and quick way to reward good mojo.
You can even thank them publicly on which ever platform you prefer to use.
I love to thank people for all the RT's in a way that everyone knows "they are good people"! Remember to treat people like people, don't depersonalize real people.
There are many ways to automate in the Internet and for your own sake I would advise that you use some of them, however remember this is called Social Media.
Keep the social in it, spend time on-line interacting and conversing with people When you promise customers and clients the moon via social media, don't wait until the evening hours to make good.
Nurturing your presence is a job meant for any hour of the day, nothing is simpler than clicking a response window to say thanks.
It only adds to your good karma.
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