Business & Finance Social Media

Facebook Is Introducing New Ways to Flirt

The world of dating has changes a lot during the last decade and with so many dating sites available, all the social networks are finding new ways to adapt features that enable their users to perform all kinds of actions that they would only find on dating sites in the past.
One of the Things that Facebook users don't always get a chance to do is see the relationship status of someone they are interested in.
The reason for this is because they keep this information private on their settings.
Now you can find out if they are in a relationship with an "ask" button that will be implemented into the pages so that people will be encouraged to ask a question and maybe tell you if you want to grab a drink or simply find out what your current status is.
We have seen a huge change in the way that the internet works and one of the main things that have become very apparent is that there are many different sexual orientations and relationship status options now.
It went from single, in a relationship and it's complicated, to civil union, domestic partnership, open relationship, etc.
The thing about the ask button is that it can also become a very useful feature for marketers who can star to use it to survey and ask certain question to people they consider to be a target audience.
It's still not confirmed if this button will be available for fan and business pages or just for personal profiles but in either case it will become quite a useful feature for people looking for a date as well as people looking to do business.
The truth is that only time will tell what kind of reactions and uses will come from the implementation of this button.
We have all seen them and it's also very likely that we have all been guilty of them, but the thing that really matters is that we become conscious of this action and we stop doing them.
This will contribute to Facebook becoming a place that has important information from out contacts instead of annoying attempts at getting attention.
Trying to make boring topics sound interesting: There is an old saying that if you have nothing good to say maybe you shouldn't say anything at all.
This is something that also relates to posting on Facebook about your hard day cleaning the house and taking out the trash.
No one cares about this and it makes your life seem even duller to your contacts.
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