Business & Finance Social Media

Starting Social Networks for Women

Women are innately social creatures, and new technologies such as a social network have helped us connect faster and communicate better.
Women can now find forums and chat rooms for just about anything they are interested in whether it's business, parenting or just learning more about arts and crafts.
These new kinds of online social structures allow us to share our stories, ideas and advice with other like-minded women.
But what makes one social network great versus any other? Let's take a look at what we have discovered: 1.
It all starts with a great idea that women are passionate about and an authentic leader.
Pick a passion, niche, theme or topic that you love with a clear purpose.
Ask yourself, will this be fun for me, and will other women want to join my network and tell their friends about it? 2.
Set the right mood and invite people to your party.
At first it's easier to start with people you know and trust to convey your message in a friendly and clear manner.
Your first 50 members will set the tone for a new social network, so be careful who you choose.
As the host you need to lead the way.
Set up your own profile so people can clearly identify who you are and what your message is all about.
If you have a brand or unique point of view, make it known right up front.
You need to show people how to chat, add photos, videos or create their own blogs by doing it yourself first or providing training videos.
Get the word out by linking your social network to your blog or website.
Include your URL in your signature on blogs and your social forums such as Facebook, YouTube and Twitter.
You can also advertise on other websites geared to the same interests or begin a pay-per-click campaign.
If you find someone that understands search engine optimization well, make them a friend real fast - you're going to need their services.
Turn up the music.
People want to be where the action is so start new discussions, add new posts, photos and new videos on your network often.
Ask your first 50 members to help you promote this new material as much as you can.
A great social network distinguishes itself with quality content that women feel compelled to share with their friends.
Once you plan, build and promote the party, you have to keep the excitement going.
Then provide women with the ability to communicate with each other via chat rooms, instant messaging and email so they can easily share ideas, events and interests with each other.
Before you know it, the party is out of control!
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