One of the most appetizing dishes, for all of us who are not vegetarians, is meat. In all his presentations, varieties and forms of preparation is really a delicious dish as a main option in any of our meals.
A roast is a technique for cooking a raw food cooking. The cooking process is to expose to the action of fire or warm air (a furnace, for example), during which he is spraying (sometimes) with grease or any other appropriate fluid, although this name is known in general to meat cooked by the fire and roasted meat.
The most common method for preparing a roast is the grill, where meats are cooked horizontally (as is common to use a grill is "elastic" metal bed), but also the traditional "Roast at the Cross" or "barbecue", which is a barbecue where the meat on the embers have been so supported by a vertical frame that usually take the form of a cross.
In this recipe I will teach you how to prepare a delicious beef tenderloin baked with wine. For 4 servings you need:
2 pounds beef loin
½ pound bacon
3 cups dry wine
1 large branch of parsley
4 tablespoons oil
3 tablespoons sugar
Salt to taste
The day before dinner dress the loin very well with a mixture prepared with parsley mash, salt and oil. I recommend that you chop the meat with a fork to absorb the dressing better.
The day of preparation, preheat oven to 350 ° C. Put the tenderloin into the pan, add over the loin wine and sugar and lead to oven for approximately 45 minutes.
Now placed the bacon over the loin until it is toasted. Remove from oven and let stand.
Let the meat cold and cut it, it can be accompanied with mashed potatoes and rice with vegetables.
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A roast is a technique for cooking a raw food cooking. The cooking process is to expose to the action of fire or warm air (a furnace, for example), during which he is spraying (sometimes) with grease or any other appropriate fluid, although this name is known in general to meat cooked by the fire and roasted meat.
The most common method for preparing a roast is the grill, where meats are cooked horizontally (as is common to use a grill is "elastic" metal bed), but also the traditional "Roast at the Cross" or "barbecue", which is a barbecue where the meat on the embers have been so supported by a vertical frame that usually take the form of a cross.
In this recipe I will teach you how to prepare a delicious beef tenderloin baked with wine. For 4 servings you need:
2 pounds beef loin
½ pound bacon
3 cups dry wine
1 large branch of parsley
4 tablespoons oil
3 tablespoons sugar
Salt to taste
The day before dinner dress the loin very well with a mixture prepared with parsley mash, salt and oil. I recommend that you chop the meat with a fork to absorb the dressing better.
The day of preparation, preheat oven to 350 ° C. Put the tenderloin into the pan, add over the loin wine and sugar and lead to oven for approximately 45 minutes.
Now placed the bacon over the loin until it is toasted. Remove from oven and let stand.
Let the meat cold and cut it, it can be accompanied with mashed potatoes and rice with vegetables.
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