A well thought out plan made ahead of time will keep you from taking too many steps too early. Business owners who jump the gun before everything is in place will have major "holes" in their business structure that will keep them from profiting big. A well rounded business plan is a full circle of ideas, products, branding, commerce solutions, organization, marketing, publicity and promotion. A well planned out strategy consists of simple organization and following a natural course of action.
Any conversion on the web flows naturally from on point to another, click by click, until your visitor signs up for something or makes a purchase. To follow that path successfully, your visitor must not get confused at any point on the journey and keeping it very simple is the key to good conversion. Beginning marketers make the mistake of putting too much information on a page: they want to show off everything they have because the know the web visitor will only be there once and for a very short amount of time. That is true; and that is why more than ever that simplicity wins out. Short attention spans can't process too much information that quickly and often they'll just back out to where they came from. The confused mind votes 'no.'
A good business consultant can help design the perfect solutions to your complete business model. Holes generally are created from a lack of time and knowledge. Following your business plan and knowing how to delegate the responsibilities comfortably, with confidence, will fill in all the necessary marketing chores that will create a profitable venture. Saying to yourself "I don't have the time" or "I don't understand that part" will leave very important modules of marketing strategies on the table. A big part of failure is being confused about how things flow, especially when things go wrong. A well thought out business plan is your handy directional guide to fall back on when things get confusing.
I know you have things to concentrate on: writing/finishing your book, creating products, finding clients, consultations, speaking engagements and promotions. A good business plan is one where the simplicity is spelled out for you, step-by-step. And the resources to implement all of the important factors should be available cheaply and easily. A good business consultant should help you create profits, not distractions.
There are thousands of authors, teachers, healers, psychics, empaths, coaches and trainers that have a message to give to the world, but have no clue where to start. That's where I can help! From just a spark of an idea to becoming a television celebrity, discover the book marketing secrets I've used to take their businesses to the next step and find their voice.
Any conversion on the web flows naturally from on point to another, click by click, until your visitor signs up for something or makes a purchase. To follow that path successfully, your visitor must not get confused at any point on the journey and keeping it very simple is the key to good conversion. Beginning marketers make the mistake of putting too much information on a page: they want to show off everything they have because the know the web visitor will only be there once and for a very short amount of time. That is true; and that is why more than ever that simplicity wins out. Short attention spans can't process too much information that quickly and often they'll just back out to where they came from. The confused mind votes 'no.'
A good business consultant can help design the perfect solutions to your complete business model. Holes generally are created from a lack of time and knowledge. Following your business plan and knowing how to delegate the responsibilities comfortably, with confidence, will fill in all the necessary marketing chores that will create a profitable venture. Saying to yourself "I don't have the time" or "I don't understand that part" will leave very important modules of marketing strategies on the table. A big part of failure is being confused about how things flow, especially when things go wrong. A well thought out business plan is your handy directional guide to fall back on when things get confusing.
I know you have things to concentrate on: writing/finishing your book, creating products, finding clients, consultations, speaking engagements and promotions. A good business plan is one where the simplicity is spelled out for you, step-by-step. And the resources to implement all of the important factors should be available cheaply and easily. A good business consultant should help you create profits, not distractions.
There are thousands of authors, teachers, healers, psychics, empaths, coaches and trainers that have a message to give to the world, but have no clue where to start. That's where I can help! From just a spark of an idea to becoming a television celebrity, discover the book marketing secrets I've used to take their businesses to the next step and find their voice.