1Formulate a thesis to focus the essay in the right direction. Without a thesis to focus the essay, you will find yourself reaching for ideas and taking longer trying to fill up the essay. After writing your thesis statement, you are ready to proceed with outlining your essay.
Outline the essay according to the points you made in your thesis. Make a list of each main point followed by supporting evidence. For example:
II. Main point
A. Supporting point
B. Supporting point
C. Supporting point
As a rule of thumb, use at least three supporting points to verify your thesis. Develop minor details within each supporting point.
Write using transitional words and phrases that illustrate, contrast, add, show time, concede, emphasize, suggest and summarize. Such words and phrases include "for example," "on the contrary," "in addition to," "afterward," "while it may be true," "furthermore," "for this purpose," and "consequently."
Add detail to your sentences to give your text depth. Use sensory words to help the audience see, feel, hear and taste the subject. Words such as "beautiful" or "love" are too general and may have different meanings to the audience. Furthermore, such words do not help fill up space in an essay. Instead, explain to the audience what is beautiful and why it is beautiful.
Write your essay over several days, if possible. Instead of trying to write the entire essay in one sitting, break the essay into manageable parts. Write the thesis and introduction first. On subsequent days, write the body paragraphs--one each day--and the conclusion. Allow time to rewrite and edit.