- 1). Punch out the pieces of the airplane from the balsa wood sheets. The models are pressed so that there is a outline that enables you to easily pop the plane out by hand.
- 2). Trace around the shapes of the plane using the crafting knife, if you are unable to pop the pieces out by hand. Sometimes a piece can get stuck in a section; in these cases, a knife will make removal easier.
Do this only if a piece does not pop out easily, since yo run the risk of cutting outside the pressed line when you use a knife. - 3). Insert the wings of the plane through the slot punched out of the center of the body piece. Insert the tail fins into the back of the plane using the slots punched in both the fin and the body. The wings should be centered across the body and the tail fins should be flush with the back of the plane.
- 4). Use the crafting knife to gradually lengthen the slots in the body of the plane, if needed, to enable the wings and tail to sit properly in the model.
- 5). Place the propeller clip on the nose of the plane. The clip adds weight to the front of the plane, keeping the nose from pushing up when thrown, causing it to flip backwards instead of flying forward.
- 6). Hold the body of the plane between your thumb and index finger beneath the wing. Toss it by moving your arm forward gently and releasing to allow the plane to fly.