The latest PS3 jailbreak 4.11 is now available for download in the market. By following a few easy steps it can be downloaded and installed within a short time and can be made ready for gaming. PS3 jailbreak was once a big mystery until it was solved by a group of hackers and now final upgrade is available. Before getting into further details it must be said that a proper knowledge of PS3 jailbreak is required.
PS3 jailbreak is actually file management software which allows gamers to play almost all type of PS3 homebrewed games and also take a backup of most of the games in the hard drive of the system without the necessity of the actual gaming disc. PS3 jailbreak actually goes round the security check of Sony PS3 and allows the gamers to play and save home brewed games easily without getting detected.PS3 jailbreak is actually a great boon for the gamers around the world and not only that it has made gaming a big industry around the world. Now there are numerous ways by which a PS3 can be jailbroken. In this article we are going to discuss how to jailbreak PS3?
Now we are going to discuss the step by step procedure of how PS3 jailbreak is done.
€ Firstly plug in a USB stick into the computer.
€ Then create a folder called PS3 in the root of the USB.
€ Now create a folder named UPDATE inside the PS3 folder.
€ Now download from the various sites in the internet.
€ After the download is complete plug in the stick into the PS3
€ Now go to the settings tab and choose System Update.
€ Then select the option €update via storage media€.
€ It is now going to give the information that it found version 3.66-jb. On finding this display one has to choose €OK€.
€ Then accept all terms and conditions and press €UPDATE€.
€ After about a minute, the PS3 will get updated and then beep four times and shut down.
€ Now the PS3 will have to be powered up but not from the controller but from the console. This is a very vital part of the total procedure.
€ Finally the PS3 has been jailbroken. But it needs to be installed in the computer. Now we are going to discuss the steps of installation.
Installing the jailbroken PS3 in the computer is also very important and proper knowledge regarding the installation is very much needed.
€ Firstly plug in the USB stick into the computer in which installation needs to be done.
€ Then it is required to drop €test.pkg€ into the root of the USB.
€ Now again plug the USB stick into the PS3 and then go to the €Game€ tab.
€ Then choose €Install package files€.
€ From there choose the €Test.pkg€. Also keep a close watch out for other packages created by the PS3 community.
€ When it gets updated any games can then be played or backed up. The PS3 is jailbroken.
PS3 jailbreak is actually file management software which allows gamers to play almost all type of PS3 homebrewed games and also take a backup of most of the games in the hard drive of the system without the necessity of the actual gaming disc. PS3 jailbreak actually goes round the security check of Sony PS3 and allows the gamers to play and save home brewed games easily without getting detected.PS3 jailbreak is actually a great boon for the gamers around the world and not only that it has made gaming a big industry around the world. Now there are numerous ways by which a PS3 can be jailbroken. In this article we are going to discuss how to jailbreak PS3?
Now we are going to discuss the step by step procedure of how PS3 jailbreak is done.
€ Firstly plug in a USB stick into the computer.
€ Then create a folder called PS3 in the root of the USB.
€ Now create a folder named UPDATE inside the PS3 folder.
€ Now download from the various sites in the internet.
€ After the download is complete plug in the stick into the PS3
€ Now go to the settings tab and choose System Update.
€ Then select the option €update via storage media€.
€ It is now going to give the information that it found version 3.66-jb. On finding this display one has to choose €OK€.
€ Then accept all terms and conditions and press €UPDATE€.
€ After about a minute, the PS3 will get updated and then beep four times and shut down.
€ Now the PS3 will have to be powered up but not from the controller but from the console. This is a very vital part of the total procedure.
€ Finally the PS3 has been jailbroken. But it needs to be installed in the computer. Now we are going to discuss the steps of installation.
Installing the jailbroken PS3 in the computer is also very important and proper knowledge regarding the installation is very much needed.
€ Firstly plug in the USB stick into the computer in which installation needs to be done.
€ Then it is required to drop €test.pkg€ into the root of the USB.
€ Now again plug the USB stick into the PS3 and then go to the €Game€ tab.
€ Then choose €Install package files€.
€ From there choose the €Test.pkg€. Also keep a close watch out for other packages created by the PS3 community.
€ When it gets updated any games can then be played or backed up. The PS3 is jailbroken.