- Cheats can help players with the fast pace.close up game pad blue image by Warren Millar from Fotolia.com
Based on the Cartoon Network's animated series, "Ben 10: Alien Force" is an action-adventure game for the Playstation 2. You play as Ben from the series, and just like in the show, you're capable of assuming a variety of alien forms as you battle the enemy. The fast-paced action may be a little much for some players, however, so in order to help them through the more difficult stages, the developers included several cheats. - Go to the "Bonus Content" menu and select "Enter Code." Entering one of the following codes will unlock the corresponding cheat. You must then activate the cheat by selecting it in the "Secrets" menu.
- Every time you get hit by an enemy you lose a little life. If you lose too much, you die. Game over. This can be particularly troublesome in the later levels when enemies swarm you and start hitting from all sides. If you're having trouble with those stages, you have the option to cheat by becoming invincible. Enter the code Kevin, Big Chill, Kevin, Swampfire, and then activate the cheat from the "Secrets" menu.
- Ben's greatest power is his ability to transform into towering, super-human aliens. Typically, you can only do this a limited number of times per level. By entering Ben, Swampfire, Gwen, Big Chill into the code screen, however, you'll unlock the ability to have infinite alien transformations.
- As you advance through the game, you get access to combos. These make combat more interesting and also give you a significant power boost. If you want early access to the most powerful moves, you can get them all by entering: Swampfire, Gwen, Kevin, Ben.
Before You Cheat
Infinite Aliens
All Combos