- 1). Proceed through the game until you're level 27. You gain levels by succeeding at gardening tasks, such as growing new breeds of vegetables and attracting pinatas to your home that you've never seen before.
- 2). Equip the Pond Shovel and dig at least 250 square pintometers of pond. This is 25% of your garden, meaning that in order to get the Swanana, you need to sacrifice other aspects of your landscape.
- 3). Go to Costolot's General Store and purchase at least two loaves of bread. They're cataloged under "Produce" and cost 300 coins apiece.
- 4). Visit Bart's Exchange and give him all your bread. He'll turn each loaf into a sandwich.
- 5). Return to your garden and wait for a Swanana to appear. It won't become a resident until it eats the sandwiches, but it will visit the pond.
- 6). Drop the sandwiches by the Swanana. After it eats two, it will stick around, turning your garden into its home.