Health & Medical Nutrition

Really Honest Thoughts About Energy Drinks and Food Bars

One controversial subject in recent years surrounds energy drinks and food bars.
You will find a lot of people who swear by them and others who make claims to the contrary.
some energy drinks have been banned or regulated in a few places.
There is a wide variety of availability these days in energy, food, diet bars and drinks on the market and some are definitely better for you than others.
The information you'll find below will help you determine which ones really are OK for you to consume.
The safety of energy drinks has recently become a major concern.
Perhaps you've heard about the college and high school athletes who died on the field after consuming large numbers of these drinks? As with anything else, in moderation these drinks are safe generally speaking, however if you suffer from heart related problems this might not be the case for you especially if your drink of choice contains high levels of caffeine.
Even if you are healthy you need to be cautious about the amount of these energy drinks you consume since they are loaded with caffeine which is known to cause many health risks including increased heart rate, irritability and nervousness.
If you are someone who suffers with any chronic condition You'll want to be sure that you discuss your desire to consume energy drinks with your doctor prior to actually doing so.
A lot of people who are dieting will choose an energy or food bar in place of a regular meal in hopes that they will lose weight.
You may think these are excellent supplements for weight loss but usually they contain sugar and artificial ingredients that downplay the lowered caloric intake.
You're also not getting essential fibers and healthy fats when you eat too many food bars instead of meals.
These should not be considered a complete meal but rather a snack to tide you over or as part of a nutrition plan.
If you're looking at food bars to replace real food, you have to be especially careful that you're not just eating candy bars with healthier sounding names! If you're trying to find a healthy energy drink that has a sensible amount of caffeine and zero artificial ingredients, then why not drink green or black tea? Besides having a reduced amount of caffeine in comparison to coffee or other energy drinks, tea has a lot of antioxidants and is a milder option for maintaining your alertness.
Tea can be drunk either hot or cold, but keep an eye out for high sugar ingredients when you purchase bottled iced tea in a store.
Even coffee, when you don't put in a bunch of milk or sweetener is healthier than most energy drinks.
The optimal choice for drinking coffee is black and in darker roasts, with a preference for organic, as they are higher in antioxidants and ordinarily have a lesser amount of caffeine.
At any rate, coffee and tea are energy drinks where you are aware of what you're getting.
If you really want to gain the best benefit from these products do your research and consider them on an individual basis to be sure you are getting a product that will benefit you rather than harm you.
Not everyone has the same reaction to caffeine and other stimulants, so you also have to pay attention to how something makes you feel.
Make sure that you fully understand what ingredients are in the bars you are consuming.
Continue to do your own due diligence without relying on other advertising hype to show you the way.
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