Business & Finance Blogging

How to Turn Your Blog into a Money Making Machine

Now that you've built a great looking blog and you're ready to start posting all about your favourite subject, the thought about how to make money from it must surely have crossed your mind.
Being a brand new blog, you may think that there is no way you'll be able to make money from it for ages, at least until you get it established and are given a decent page rank by the major search engines.
But there are ways of turning your new blog into a machine that will make money for you fairly quickly whilst still working on the long term goal of creating a regular, sustainable income from it.
Here is how to do it.
To start with, you should be highly motivated to work hard on your blog in order to attract as high a number of readers as possible in the shortest time and then keeping them coming back for more.
To do that, you first have to have something that readers will want.
That thing is content.
Well-written, interesting and thought-provoking content will interest your readers and leave them wanting to return to read some more.
So your first time-consuming and demanding task is to get writing.
It helps enormously if the subject of your blog is one that you hold a great interest in as well as being very knowledgeable about.
Your posts will reflect your enthusiasm for the subject and their accurate and informative content will convince your readers that you do indeed know what you are writing about.
Once you can establish yourself as an authority on your subject, word will spread through the communities of readers and that will generate more interest as time goes by.
Good for the long term success of your blog but also good for its short term growth.
Once you have posted several of those well-written articles on your blog, you will be ready to begin to spread the word throughout the blogging community that you exist.
There are several online blogging networks that you can sign-up for and start to make yourself and your blog known.
Social networking sites like MyBlogLog and BlogCatalog are a good starting point and from there you will meet many bloggers who will direct you to still other networking communities.
Once you have become a member of some of these communities, you should create a fairly detailed and interesting profile of yourself.
Next, make yourself busy by visiting other members' blogs and home pages.
Look at their blogs and see how they make money from them.
Introduce yourself to the authors by posting messages for them and also posting comments on their blogs.
These messages and posts should have some substance and especially be relevant to a blog post that you are commenting on.
To begin with, refrain from posting a links back to your blog.
The authors you are trying to make friends with will see this as spamming and will tend to ignore you.
When they want to find you they can do that easily enough without you having to resort to spamming tactics.
This is a good lesson in learning to give before you receive but a necessary one to learn before you can even begin to make money from your blog.
Before too long, the community bloggers you have visited will come and visit your homepage to read your profile and look at your blog.
This is the beginning of a growing stream of visitors that will come to your blog and if they find it interesting enough, they will return often to see what's new on your blog.
Now you have established a stream of interested readers to your blog, it is time to set about creating ways to make money from it.
If you haven't already done this, then join up with some affiliate programs.
Most of them can be signed-up with for free.
Some of the best ones include "Clickbank", "Commission Junction", "PayDotCom" and "Amazon".
All of these affiliate sites will have lots of good products and services that you can advertise from your blog quite easily and you will make money by earning commissions from any sales that you generate from the visitors to your blog.
When you promote these affiliate resources, take some time and learn what each of them is about and what it does or can be used for.
Then write a short review on each product to maximise the potential for your visitors to want to click on your affiliate links to learn more.
They will appreciate your going to the trouble of knowing something about the products you are promoting, which could make the difference from a making that sale or not.
Other ways to make money from your blog are with Google "Adsense".
These are contextual ads that you can place on your blog to make money from every time a visitor clicks one of the links.
Don't go overboard on this, as each time a visitor clicks one of these links, they are taken away from your blog to someone else's site.
Remember that you can make many dollars from an affiliate sale, but only a few cents from each click of an AdSense ad! The best way to make money from your blog is by having your own product to sell and promoting it on your blog.
This way, you get to keep all of the profits.
As your readership grows by your continued work in posting regularly and often and by continuing to participate in the social networking sites, your sales from your blog will naturally increase.
By being in contact with other bloggers and making friends with as many of them as you can, you will be able to make link exchanges in order to improve your search engine ranking.
Then, after several months have passed and your blog is well and truly established, you will be able to make money in even greater amounts by attracting advertisers directly to your blog.
There are several sites that act as broker between advertisers and bloggers which allow you to post reviews for advertisers in return for being paid.
The more popular and highly visited your blog, the more you will be able to earn from this source of income.
By following this plan of action, you can turn your new blog into a money making machine in a very short space of time.
You will then be able to capitalise on that potential to make money as your blog grows in popularity, enabling you to really make money from your blog, day in and day out.
As long as your enthusiasm for the subject of your blog remains high so too the money you make from your blog will keep flowing into your bank account.
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