Business & Finance Social Media

Social Bookmarking SEO - Does It Really Have Benefit?

Does Social Bookmarking for SEO serve any real purpose? If you've been in the SEO game for any amount of time than you know all about dofollow vs.
High PR links vs.
crappy links and the list goes on.
Visit any internet marketing forum and you'll be greeted by a deluge of comments from everyone claiming to know this or that about one such thing or another and how much more they know about that than another person does! (You might have to read that twice haha!).
One of the most common arguments I've read lately is the value of social bookmarks and how they don't carry any weight in the search engines.
Many are nofollow etc...
I'm not here to debate the nofollow vs dofollow argument.
I still believe that a link is a link and it's not going to look very natural to any search engine if your linking profile consists solely of 200 backlinks from high PR splogs.
I've tried to do that and honestly it just doesn't work.
What does work however is if you have a nice diversity of links, INCLUDING nofollow links.
Time and time again Google has proved to me that if i spend the time to grab some supposedly "crappy" links to go along with my hard earned high-pr blog posts and such that then I will really see the ranking increase and stability that I'm looking for.
What is one of the easiest ways to build up some link diversity and nofollow links? Social Bookmarking! With the plethora of services available right now it's simply too easy and too cheap not to have a good batch of social bookmarking links pointed at the pages you're trying to rank for.
What is the easiest way to do this? Well you can always go and signup for a bunch of social bookmarking accounts yourself and submit your own links.
However this is not a very effective method as you're only getting your links into one account.
The best services available are the ones that allow you to submit your bookmarks to the server and then hundreds of other members take you bookmarks and add them to their accounts.
Giving the appearance that there are lots of users across the internet who are interested in your site.
If it doesn't give you a direct boost in the SERPs there can be no doubt that Google will take more notice of sites using this method.
There are lots of paid services out there that will do this for you and if you click the link at the end of this article in my signature I will show you one of the best services I've found that is absolutely free to get started.
And I mean free as in, no monthly fee's, and no startup costs (save for a little time to signup etc...
Check it out and I guarantee if you're searching for social bookmarking links you won't be disappointed! Cheers, Rob
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