Society & Culture & Entertainment Religion & Spirituality

Creative Uses for One of the Best Evangelism Resources

Gospel Tracts in Forbidden Lands How do you get the word out to drug dealers in the darkest alleys in the wee hours of the morning? How do you get to the teenager sitting in that dark office waiting to abort her baby? You cannot storm into that medical office just before the abortion takes place anymore than you can sit in those dark alleys and intercept drug deals.
The good news is your gospel tracts can go to these forbidden lands without any risk of physical harm.
If you can get your tracts in these places, God can ensure they end up in the right hands.
You may have to get creative when placing gospel tracts in locations not open to the display of evangelism resources.
For instance, you may be able to walk in and sit in the front waiting room long enough to leave a few tracts without being noticed.
You can go down those alleys in daylight and roll your tracts into the links of the fence.
From there, God can draw the eye of that young girl down to the gift you have left her or guide the hand of the drug dealer to the paper sticking out from the fence.
Stone Cold Gospel Tracts You could say gospel tracts are stone cold, even though they are designed to warm hearts.
While humans will often back down when confronted with aggression, the words printed on the page of a tract are set in stone.
They do not change or back down no matter what feelings they inspire in the reader.
This ensures that they remain a valid witness to God that a reader can come back to over and over as they deal with the powerful emotions God may bring to their hearts.
If you feel you do not have the strength to stand up to the face of aggression, leave your gospel tracts and let them be your strength.
This is one of the biggest advantages to having these evangelism resources on hand at all times.
Is There a Catch? As effective as gospel tracts can be in spreading the good message of the Lord, there is one thing you have to understand about written evangelism resources.
You hand the same words out to everyone you encounter.
This is the big difference between having a conversation with someone and handing them a piece of paper.
If you are handing gospel tracts out to strangers you will likely never see again, then there may be no way to know whether the words on the page reached them as you hoped.
You have to trust God to do His share of the work once it is in their hands.
If you hand gospel tracts to friends, family members, and colleagues, you can actually overcome this limitation.
The words on the page may be stone cold and inflexible, but since you will see the reader again, the door is opened to future conversations.
You can use the tract to break the ice, and they are likely to come back to you with open hearts.
You can then personalize the message according to what you know of their lives and personalities.
There are far more benefits to using gospel tracts than there are disadvantages.
Can you think of any other way to spread the word of God in those hard to reach places? Whatever means you use to get the gospel out, I encourage you to do it today.
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