The art and technique of when one is trying to gain weight and muscle mass the proper way is always a difficult and challenging task.
There are strict guidelines you have to follow in order to become successful in reaching a healthy muscle mass and weight gain.
To do this, takes great determination and dedication.
So if one is serious about true weight gain, then finding the proper weight gaining routine is essential and necessary.
When trying to gain weight and muscle mass, there is a proper way to achieve this goal.
Let's take for example a 24 year old male who currently weighs 152 pounds.
He is 6 feet 2 inches.
His activity is moderate, about 3 to 5 times a week.
At this rate, he is burning a total of 3040 calories a day.
Now for him to gain muscle mass he in fact needs to increase in caloric intake by about 1000 a day.
Based on the Harris Benedict equation, which is a formula that uses your basal metabolic rate (BMR) and applies an activity factor to determine the total daily energy expenditure (calories).
If you are moderately active, a person who works out about 3 to 5 times a week, you calculate the BMR by 1.
To first get the BMR for a man, you take the BMR which is equal to, [66 + (6.
23x weight in lbs) + (12.
7x height in inches) - (6.
8x age in years)].
Eating proper food and taking the proper supplements aids, is essential in maintaining muscle strength and growth.
Protein is a muscles best friend.
Along with protein, healthy fats and carbohydrates are needed daily in the proper amount.
Also, creatine and BCAA as well as other supplements help aid in muscle strength and growth.
You need to intake about 6 to 8 meals per day in larger quantities to gain a pound a day.
The first meal should be ingested an hour before the workout routine, otherwise called the pre-workout meal.
This should be of full protein, such as a shake with and egg.
A shake is great because the protein can reach the muscles quicker, aiding them in tearing and build-up.
And hour after workout or post-workout should be the consumption of protein.
The third meal or lunch should be of a healthy substance such as fish for omega 3 fatty acids, green vegetables, fruit or pasta for carbohydrates and juice or water.
It is also important to consume water throughout the day.
The fourth meal or snack can be again of protein.
Dinner the fifth meal can be of pasta such as spaghetti or lasagna and a protein shake.
Another snack can be consumed an hour after dinner.
This meal should also consist of protein.
The last meal is about 2 hours after midnight which is the stage of where protein is needed the most, since the body is more at an "active" stage.
Especially after releasing urine which protein is secreted through from the daily intake, you need to replace it.
Finally a weight lifting routine also needs to be implemented about 5 times a week to ensure muscle strength and growth.
It is going to take dedication, but in time, you will start to notice results of weight gain.
Not just by the scale, but also by physical appearance.
There are strict guidelines you have to follow in order to become successful in reaching a healthy muscle mass and weight gain.
To do this, takes great determination and dedication.
So if one is serious about true weight gain, then finding the proper weight gaining routine is essential and necessary.
When trying to gain weight and muscle mass, there is a proper way to achieve this goal.
Let's take for example a 24 year old male who currently weighs 152 pounds.
He is 6 feet 2 inches.
His activity is moderate, about 3 to 5 times a week.
At this rate, he is burning a total of 3040 calories a day.
Now for him to gain muscle mass he in fact needs to increase in caloric intake by about 1000 a day.
Based on the Harris Benedict equation, which is a formula that uses your basal metabolic rate (BMR) and applies an activity factor to determine the total daily energy expenditure (calories).
If you are moderately active, a person who works out about 3 to 5 times a week, you calculate the BMR by 1.
To first get the BMR for a man, you take the BMR which is equal to, [66 + (6.
23x weight in lbs) + (12.
7x height in inches) - (6.
8x age in years)].
Eating proper food and taking the proper supplements aids, is essential in maintaining muscle strength and growth.
Protein is a muscles best friend.
Along with protein, healthy fats and carbohydrates are needed daily in the proper amount.
Also, creatine and BCAA as well as other supplements help aid in muscle strength and growth.
You need to intake about 6 to 8 meals per day in larger quantities to gain a pound a day.
The first meal should be ingested an hour before the workout routine, otherwise called the pre-workout meal.
This should be of full protein, such as a shake with and egg.
A shake is great because the protein can reach the muscles quicker, aiding them in tearing and build-up.
And hour after workout or post-workout should be the consumption of protein.
The third meal or lunch should be of a healthy substance such as fish for omega 3 fatty acids, green vegetables, fruit or pasta for carbohydrates and juice or water.
It is also important to consume water throughout the day.
The fourth meal or snack can be again of protein.
Dinner the fifth meal can be of pasta such as spaghetti or lasagna and a protein shake.
Another snack can be consumed an hour after dinner.
This meal should also consist of protein.
The last meal is about 2 hours after midnight which is the stage of where protein is needed the most, since the body is more at an "active" stage.
Especially after releasing urine which protein is secreted through from the daily intake, you need to replace it.
Finally a weight lifting routine also needs to be implemented about 5 times a week to ensure muscle strength and growth.
It is going to take dedication, but in time, you will start to notice results of weight gain.
Not just by the scale, but also by physical appearance.