I've been working out now for 50 years and I still don't have a perfect body.
Have I failed? No.
A perfect body was never my goal.
I started exercising moderately and consistently at the beginning of freshman year-a couple months before my 14th birthday.
At age 13 I wasn't thinking about anything except good health.
I wasn't out of shape so I wasn't trying to get into good shape.
I simply knew that exercise was part of a healthy lifestyle- something I wanted.
Fifty years later I still have that same goal- to include exercise in my daily life- because doing so is partly how one creates a healthy lifestyle.
Who wouldn't want that? Who would choose anything else? Not me.
Now that I'm 63 I'm definitely seeing signs of age.
But my body is serving me well and I don't have to shop in the old lady department.
I don't really know how far ahead of a typical non-exercising 63 year old I may be but I can tell you that bulges and rolls are not on my body and I don't take any medicine on a regular basis.
You may wonder what the unavoidable signs of aging are.
One's face is the most difficult to protect from aging- wrinkles will come regardless of what you do.
You can keep them to a minimum, however.
So what if your face has some wrinkles.
Wrinkles show character.
They are the least thing to worry about.
They don't hurt or affect how your body functions.
The neck is another challenging area.
Why our neck has to go to hell I just don't know.
Someday I may get a neck lift.
Maybe I should have worked harder on the back of my thighs.
I definitely need some airbrushing there.
I'm here to tell you that gaining weight and slowing metabolism are not a natural part of aging.
Don't buy that garbage.
It only happens to people because they don't move their body or maintain their muscles.
You may become slightly thicker in your middle area but not significantly.
Gained weight and thick waistlines are the result of abuse and/or neglect- not age.
Don't regard exercise as an albatross around your neck or some pain in the fanny obligation that won't quit.
See it as the privilege and blessing that it is.
There are so many ways to get it and it doesn't necessarily cost money.
Exercise is free and available to all who choose it.
If you want to age gracefully and be the best you can be- no matter what your number is- get started on your fitness lifestyle now.
This will require including good habits as well as eliminating some bad ones.
Improve your eating habits if that's what you need to do.
Include moderate daily exercise in your life.
Don't worry about wrinkles.
Healthy wrinkles are beautiful.
Body bulges? They're definitely avoidable.
Have I failed? No.
A perfect body was never my goal.
I started exercising moderately and consistently at the beginning of freshman year-a couple months before my 14th birthday.
At age 13 I wasn't thinking about anything except good health.
I wasn't out of shape so I wasn't trying to get into good shape.
I simply knew that exercise was part of a healthy lifestyle- something I wanted.
Fifty years later I still have that same goal- to include exercise in my daily life- because doing so is partly how one creates a healthy lifestyle.
Who wouldn't want that? Who would choose anything else? Not me.
Now that I'm 63 I'm definitely seeing signs of age.
But my body is serving me well and I don't have to shop in the old lady department.
I don't really know how far ahead of a typical non-exercising 63 year old I may be but I can tell you that bulges and rolls are not on my body and I don't take any medicine on a regular basis.
You may wonder what the unavoidable signs of aging are.
One's face is the most difficult to protect from aging- wrinkles will come regardless of what you do.
You can keep them to a minimum, however.
So what if your face has some wrinkles.
Wrinkles show character.
They are the least thing to worry about.
They don't hurt or affect how your body functions.
The neck is another challenging area.
Why our neck has to go to hell I just don't know.
Someday I may get a neck lift.
Maybe I should have worked harder on the back of my thighs.
I definitely need some airbrushing there.
I'm here to tell you that gaining weight and slowing metabolism are not a natural part of aging.
Don't buy that garbage.
It only happens to people because they don't move their body or maintain their muscles.
You may become slightly thicker in your middle area but not significantly.
Gained weight and thick waistlines are the result of abuse and/or neglect- not age.
Don't regard exercise as an albatross around your neck or some pain in the fanny obligation that won't quit.
See it as the privilege and blessing that it is.
There are so many ways to get it and it doesn't necessarily cost money.
Exercise is free and available to all who choose it.
If you want to age gracefully and be the best you can be- no matter what your number is- get started on your fitness lifestyle now.
This will require including good habits as well as eliminating some bad ones.
Improve your eating habits if that's what you need to do.
Include moderate daily exercise in your life.
Don't worry about wrinkles.
Healthy wrinkles are beautiful.
Body bulges? They're definitely avoidable.