- 1). Scrub away old paint and rust using the steel wool. Use the flathead screwdriver to get in between the claws of the feet.
- 2). Clear away any debris using the vacuum cleaner.
- 3). Spray the acid-based cleaner liberally throughout the tub's surface. That will remove any stains or rust that remain. Wait 5 minutes and scrub the tub thoroughly with the scrubbing brush. Rinse well with clean water.
- 4). Apply the acid-etching paste to the tub's surface using the scrubbing brush. This will provide a rough surface to allow the primer and topcoat to adhere better. Wait 15 minutes and then wash the tub out with clean water. Either dry the tub with rags or allow it to air dry before moving to the next step.
- 5). Apply a thin even coat of primer to all areas of the tub's surface using the paint sprayer. Allow the primer to dry for at least 30 minutes.
- 6). Clean the paint sprayer and pour in the topcoat. Spray all surfaces of the tub with topcoat. Allow to dry for at least 24 hours before use.