Health & Medical Diabetes

Diabetes in Pregnancy - Gestational Diabetes

Diabetes is a problem when human body is either not producing or using insulin.
Insulin is a hormone that converts starch, sugar or other food items into energy.
The problem starts when there is increase in the level of sugar in blood.
Insulin controls the blood sugar level in the body.
It affects the entire world but most cases related to diabetes seen in U.
About 16 million of people is caught by disease and nearly 5 million of people are those who unaware of this disease.
Gestational Diabetes Gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes that affects pregnant women.
A general survey says this type of diabetes caught almost 4% of all pregnant women.
It also says about 1, 30,000 cases of gestational diabetes are come to light every year.
Hormones produced in women's body during pregnancy reduced insulin in her body, which leads to problem of high blood sugar in the body.
During pregnancy a mother needs three times of insulin to convert starch into energy for more energy.
When her body becomes unable to use insulin the problem goes to gestational diabetes.
Reasons Diabetes is a problem that causes to anyone who has less receptivity to insulin but main reasons for the cause of this in pregnant woman if she has late pregnancy.
Obesity is one of reasons for diabetes.
Another one is previous pregnancy resulting a baby having weight 9 pounds and more.
Symptoms Symptoms of gestational diabetes are increased thirst, increased urination, feeling tired all the time, nausea and vomiting.
Sometimes victim also have blurred vision, yeast infection and bladder infection.
Treatment To solve this problem pregnant woman should follow the treatment plans for their health care.
She should take a healthy diet.
Mother should keep her blood sugar in a target level.
She should get regular physical activity.
Also, she should keep healthy weight.
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