After the bomb goes off, Sawyer wakes up by the imploded hatch. He attacks Jack, blaming him for Juliet's death. Kate tells them to shut up and they hear Juliet calling from below the hatch rubble. They try to dig her out, but there is a heavy beam in the way. Sawyer tells Jin to get the van because it has chains in it. They use the van and the chains to move the beam, and Sawyer climbs down through the rubble to Juliet.
Juliet is happy to see him and he says he's going to get her out of there. She starts talking nonsense about getting coffee and going Dutch. She focuses again and tells Sawyer she has something to tell him, then she dies.
Sawyer wants to kill Jack. Jack, Hurley, Jin, and Kate take Sayid to the Temple while Sawyer and Miles bury Juliet. Kate says she'll leave a trail for him to follow and he says he's not going to follow anyone.
Once they have Juliet buried, Sawyer forces Miles to find out what Juliet wanted to tell him. She wanted to say, "It worked," Miles says.
Sawyer and Miles are attacked in the jungle and brought to the Temple where Jack and company are. As Kate cleans him up, Sawyer says that he's not going to kill Jack because he deserves to suffer.
Sawyer asks Kate how many guards she saw when they brought her into the Temple and says he's planning an escape. During a fight between Jack and the Others, Sawyer fires a gun and says he doesn't care what they do with any of the rest of them, but he is leaving. Dogen begs him to stay, but Sawyer leaves.
He goes to his old house at the Barracks and gets a small black bag from under the floorboards. He hears something and sees that Kate followed him.
He goes out to the dock and Kate follows him. She apologizes for following him and he says, "Which time?" She apologizes that Juliet is dead and he says that it's his fault for asking her to stay on the island with him. He was going to ask her to marry him. He stands up and throws the ring in the water.
Man in Locke finds Sawyer in his old house drinking whiskey and listening to really loud music on a record player. Sawyer doesn't seem to care that Locke is dead, yet standing in front of him. As they talk, he realizes that he's not Locke, because Locke was scared all the time and this man is not.
Man in Locke says that he can prove why Sawyer is on the island if Sawyer goes with him and Sawyer agrees. As they walk through the jungle, Man in Locke asks where Sawyer's friends are and why he's not with them and Sawyer says they shouldn't talk.
Sawyer wants to know what Man in Locke is and Man in Locke says that he's trapped. They see a kid in the jungle and Man in Locke runs after him. While he's gone, Richard tries to get Sawyer to go with him, but Sawyer wants to stick with Locke.
They go to a cliff and climb down. Sawyer almost falls, but they make it to the bottom and go into a hole in the cliff where Man in Locke shows Sawyer his and his friends' names written on the walls and ceiling with numbers by them.
Man in Locke says that Jacob is dead and Sawyer has been nominated the protector of the island. He can do nothing, he can protect the island (Man in Locke claims there is nothing to protect it from), or he and Man in Locke can leave the island together. Sawyer wants to leave.
Sawyer wakes Jin in Claire's shelter. He asks how long he's been out and Sawyer says a while. Jin says they have to get out of there and Sawyer says that he's with Man in Locke now. They travel with Man in Locke and the Temple people through the jungle.
Man in Locke says that they are going to make camp a little ways up ahead. Sawyer argues with him and Man in Locke wants to speak to him privately. Man in Locke says that he is the smoke thing. He sends Sawyer to the other island for a recon mission to find out what the other passengers of the Ajira flight are up to.
Sawyer goes to the other island and looks at the cage where he was once held captive. He sees the dress that Kate was wearing when they had made love. He continues on and finds the plane. He sees that something was dragged away and follows the trail to find a pile of dead bodies. He hears something and sees a woman running away. He chases her.
When he catches her, she says her name is Zoe and that while she was out gathering wood, someone killed all the other passengers of Ajira Flight 316. Sawyer says there are more people on the main island and she can go with him. She thanks him, and then asks a bunch of questions about the number of people, where they came from, and if they have guns. Sawyer realizes that she is not who she claims to be and pulls a gun on her. She whistles and men come out and take Sawyer to a sub to meet with Charles Widmore.
Charles tells Sawyer that it's sad how much Sawyer doesn't know. He says that they didn't kill the people on Hydra Island, but that he doesn't expect Sawyer to believe him. Sawyer says that he'll bring Locke to Widmore in exchange for him and whoever he brings with him getting safe passage off the island. Widmore says it's a deal.
Sawyer goes back to the main island. Man in Locke asks him how it went and Sawyer says that he didn't really send him over there to find passengers from the plane. Man in Locke admits that he didn't. Sawyer says that Charles Widmore is in a sub and Sawyer told him that he would lead Man in Locke right to him. He tells Man in Locke that they won't be ready when Man in Locke and Sawyer change their plans. Sawyer says he and Man in Locke have a deal, he'll help Man in Locke and Man in Locke will get him off the island.
That night, Sawyer comes to the fire where Kate sits alone and tells her that while Man in Locke and Charles Widmore are fighting amongst themselves, he and Kate are taking the sub and getting off the island.