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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

In Marlena’s room, Kayla coughs and puts on oxygen mask on Marlena, noting that there’s something coming out of the vent. She discovers that the phone line is dead, then steps out to see what’s going on.

Steve is in the lab rummaging through the cabinet while Joe cries. He talks soothingly to his boy, assuring him that Papa’s there. He tries to pry his way out, then yells outside asking if anyone is out there.

Steve goes back to trying to soothe a crying Joe and assures him that he’s going to find some oxygen.

In Lucas’s room, Nurse Susan informs Chloe and Lucas that the whole entire floor is on lockdown. She goes outside to see what’s going on and tells Lucas to stay put. Chloe has a bad feeling about the situation as Lucas begins to feel the effects of the gaseous fumes. They notice the purple vapor emerging from the vent and Lucas refuses to stick around. Lucas gets dressed and tells Chloe to keep trying her cell phone and to keep her breaths short. She covers her mouth with a cloth and wonders if the gas is poison, but Lucas doesn’t think it’s lethal since they’ve been breathing it for a while. He finds that the side door is locked, but says they won’t be able to break the shatterproof safety glass. Chloe moans how it’s getting harder and harder to breathe. Lucas tries to keep her calm, imploring her not to panic and to stay strong and focused. He promises that they’ll get out of there together.

They leave his room, keeping their mouths covered.

In Stefano’s room, Tony, Anna, E.J., and Sami are coughing and covering their mouths from the gas as the TV news gives an update on the hospital lockdown. The only one who doesn’t seem to be affected is John. Sami insists that she needs to check on her mom. E.J. follows her. A wailing Anna asks why Stefano is poisoning them. Tony implores her to calm down, as it’s not a time to lose their heads. That’s much easier said than done for Anna. “Are we being poisoned, Tony?” asks Anna. Tony believes they’d be dead already if that was the case. John says they need to find Stefano and assumes that Tony knows his whereabouts.

Sami and E.J. emerge from around the corner as Sami is confident that John will keep Stefano away from her mother. Meanwhile, Stefano removes Marlena’s oxygen mask. Sami is frantic over not being able to find a way out of there. She brings up Allie and Johnny, who must be wondering where they are and frets how she was supposed to pick them up hours ago from Maggie’s. E.J tries to assure her that they’ll find a way out of there. He holds her and tries to comfort her, but a frightened Sami pulls away and believes she’s seeing Stefano, hurling accusations at him. E.J. does his best to calm her down, insisting that it was all Stefano’s doing. A hallucinating Sami sees Stefano (who is really E.J.) and hears his evil laugh, yelling at him to stay away from her. She runs off and E.J. yells for her.

Kayla finds Nurse Susan and asks her what’s going on. Susan informs her that the floor is on lockdown, and the phone lines and intercoms aren’t working. Kayla rushes off to find Steve. Back in the lab, Steve finds an oxygen mask and puts it on Joey, coaxing him to keep it on. Kayla rushes to the lab and opens the door to find Steve and Joey. Steve charges towards the door yelling at her not to let the door close. Too late, they are locked in.

Back in Stefano’s room, Tony hands Anna a cloth to breathe into while he uses his handkerchief. She whines how it’s getting harder and harder to breathe and how Stefano’s trying to kill them. Tony surmises that the toxins from the vapors can induce almost anything, like hallucinations and extreme anger. They finally walk out, where Anna doubts that Stefano couldn’t have just vanished. Tony predicts that Stefano’s nearby, since he doesn’t want to miss the show. He comforts a distressed Anna and blames himself for not being able to stop Stefano from doing harm. “I should’ve had more strength of character and faced him down, and stopped this bloody insanity!” he chastises. Anna refuses to let him talk that way and expresses how he’s a man of great character and strength. She reminds him how they both know that nothing can stop Stefano once his mind is made up. She continues to cough as Tony is ashamed of what Stefano’s done. Anna begs him to remember that it’s Stefano, not him. Tony tells her how much he loves her and promises that they will get out of this. The ordeal appears to bring them closer as an emotional Anna hugs him.

Steve and Kayla later check on Joe, then Kayla falls to the floor and passes out. Steve begs her to wake up. He manages to revive her and helps her out. Kayla calls for Joe and briefly checks on him. She moans about her head and continues coughing. Steve finds her a surgical mask and puts it on her. She begins to panic about Marlena, but Steve predicts there’s probably a nurse in with Marlena taking care of her. He attempts to find something to cover the vent up. He later successfully manages to tape the vent up while Kayla stands by Joe. Steve encourages a dizzy Kayla to stay with him and hang on. Kayla desperately tries to hang on, then panics when Steve passes out and falls to the floor. Baby Joe cries as Kayla crawls to the door begging for help.

John enters a terrified Marlena’s room. “It’ll be okay, Blondie,” John assures her. Marlena tries to communicate with him, but she’s unable to move or speak. John puts her oxygen mask back over her face and tells her to get some rest, assuring her that he’ll be back.

Sami is running around the corner trying to get away from E.J., whom she believes is Stefano. She runs into the real Stefano and asks him how he got there. Stefano inches closer towards her as Sami frantically yells for help, threatening to scratch his eyes out. “Now there is the young lioness that we all know and admire!” he laughs. The sirens are heard and a hysterical Sami tells him that he’ll be thrown in prison for the rest of his life. Stefano claims he means no harm to her as long as she cooperates.
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