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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

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Melanie recalls all those times she and Philip hated one another and how she tried to move on and to stop thinking about him. “This whole time it was you. I was waiting for you,” she sighs. Philip kisses her and suggests taking it someplace else. She walks off with him.

Ciara’s Kidnapping

Back at the Kiriakis Mansion, Victor makes a phone call and urges his recipient to transfer money in his account by 9 a.m tomorrow.

Justin tries to assure his uncle that they’ll get Ciara back. He fixes Victor a drink and keeps thinking what if it happened to one of his kids. Victor rehashes how Bo and Hope have already lost one child. Justin recalls talking to Bo right after Zack was born. They agree that family is first. Victor shares how he’s been making some plans for all of them, believes a certain villa will be magnificent for the Kiriakis clan. They are interrupted by a phone call from Zurich. Victor reveals that the money has been transferred.

Back at the station, Ellen expresses how sorry she is, but Hope encourages her not to blame herself. Hope hugs Tracy, who says she misses Ciara. She hugs Ellen as well and thanks them for coming by. She is soon horrified to realize that the man who took Ciara was the same man who gave her a lollipop at her birthday party. Bo encourages Hope not to blame herself, then comforts his distraught wife. Hope can’t help but feel like Ciara was kidnapped because of her.

Hope brings up the DiMera name, pointing out that they hate the Bradys more than anyone.

She notes that Bo is both a Brady and a Kiriakis. Bo assumes that Ciara was now taken because of him, but remarks how the ransom demand and the newspaper article isn’t DiMera’s style. Hope suggests that maybe the feud with the DiMeras isn’t over. Dean informs Bo and Hope that he may have a lead, revealing that somebody saw the getaway car close to where Ciara was abandoned. He agrees to follow up on it.

Victor arrives and informs Bo and Hope that he’ll have the ransom put together by tomorrow morning. Bo takes Victor in his office and tells his father to write down every name who has a grudge against the Kiriakis family. He insists that they are doing things by the book and doesn’t want a repeat of what happened when Stephanie was taken. “This is my daughter we’re talking about! I call the shots!” seethes Bo.

Meanwhile, Hope is on the phone and picks up Ciara’s teddy bear, flashing back to a recent time in the park with Bo and Ciara when she was thinking about Zack and how he would’ve been nine-years-old. Hope comes back to reality and falls apart in Justin’s arms. She breaks away and insists that she needs to find her daughter. Justin tries to assure her that she and Bo will get Ciara back. Bo and Victor emerge, where Bo warns his father not to do anything without his approval. Victor agrees to be in touch as soon as he has the ransom.

Dean is outside on the pier and phones Brenda, who tells him that Ciara is asleep and dead to the world. He asks if she remembers what to do, and she assures him that she does. “Good, because I can’t wait to see that bitch’s face when that call comes in,” he says, which makes Brenda smile.

After Victor and Justin leave the station, Dean informs them that the lead turned out to be a dead end. Bo brings a distraught Hope into his office and embraces her, professing to love her. He rehashes how they let grief and blame come between them when they lost Zack and he doesn’t want that to happen to them again. He receives a phone call and Officer Dean attempts to trace it. Hope answers it and asks if anyone’s there. A distorted voice informs Hope that they have her daughter. Hope begs to speak to Ciara. “Not until we get our money,” responds Brenda. Hope promises that they’ll hand over the money and begs Brenda to promise not to hurt Ciara. Brenda tries to assure Hope that her daughter is safe as long as she cooperates. She is cruel enough to bring up Zack and how they don’t want Ciara to die too. “If anything happens to your daughter, it’s on your head,” warns Brenda. Hope loses it and sobs in Bo’s arms.

Unfriendly Confrontation

Nathan and Stephanie arrive at the park, where she reveals that she got a message from her mom, who says everyone is fine but homesick. She displays a picture of her little brother Joe on her phone. Victor approaches them and notes how Stephanie is moving on already, calling her a little tramp. Nathan demands to know what the hell his problem is. Stephanie introduces Victor as Philip’s father. Nathan could care less who Victor is and points his finger, asserting that he doesn’t get to talk to Steph that way. “After the way she treated my son I’ll speak to this little slut any way I want!” spits Victor. Steph insists that she and Philip tried to work it out. Victor blames her for Philip renouncing his family, then accuses her of seducing another man. He informs her that Philip turned his back on his family for good, and now he has no job, no family, no Stephanie. He doesn’t want to hear any explanation from Stephanie and tells her to let Philip know that Ciara’s been kidnapped.

Nathan proceeds to head home to make sure Maggie knows what’s going on. He implores Steph to come with him, but she wants to see if she can find Philip. She agrees to call him if anything happens. She tries to call Philip, but he’s not answering.


Philip and Melanie later arrive at a motel. The manager leads them up to a room and Philip hands him a huge tip. Philip suggests taking Melanie to someplace better, but she doesn’t want to run the risk of him getting recognized at a fancier place. Philip believes they don’t have anything to hide, stating that he and Stephanie are over and he just wants to live in the moment. He picks her up and kisses her, laying her down on the bed. They get hot and heavy under the sheets and make love.

Justin and Victor return to the mansion, where Justin gets off the phone and informs Victor that the bank is releasing five million dollars. Victor intends to find out who is behind all of this, vowing that the bastard who did this to his granddaughter is dead.
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