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Friday, January 25, 2008

Stephanie enters the pub and spots her giddy parents and suggests they shouldn’t be making out in public. Steve predicts that by this time next year she could be a big sister. Steph is silent, which prompts Steve to ask what the matter is. He cracks a joke about her being so beautiful that she has to fight off all the boys, which makes her cry. Steve apologizes and wonders what he said. Kayla suggests to Steph that they should tell him.

Steph sobs as Steve encourages her to tell “Papa” what happened. “She was raped, Steve,” confesses Kayla. Steve breaks down and embraces his daughter. Steve then presses her to tell who did this to her. Steph tearfully reveals that Ford Decker drugged and raped her. Steve figures it happened a long time ago. “Well, he’d better be dead because if he’s not, I’ll crack him!” threatens an emotional Steve. He questions if Kayla knew. Steph admits that she made her mom keep mum because she knew how he’d react. Steve briefly berates Kayla for keeping this from him. She quietly apologizes. Steve asks if Steph’s getting help and wonders if she was at the hospital to see a counselor. Steph confirms this and cries how she didn’t want him to think that she was somehow ruined. “Nothing could ever ruin you. You’re my baby girl,” he quivers. He blames himself for not being able to protect her for the bad things. Steve and Steph share an intensely emotional moment as they sob in each others arms.

Meanwhile, Chelsea and Nick are outside the pub.

Chelsea sees Steph with her parents and decides to leave, but Nick implores her to wait and make Steph change her mind. He tells her not to be afraid and assures her that he’s there for her. She admits she’s having second thoughts about spilling the truth and predicts that the girls will hate her for it. Nick speculates that her friends will understand and warns her that secrets will drive the girls apart. She isn’t so sure that Steph will move on from the ordeal, though. Chelsea then sees Crawford approaching and rushes off. Nick runs after Chelsea and brings her back to the pub. Chelsea refuses to say anything to Crawford. Nick implores her just to look at him, stating that no parent in the world deserves not knowing that his son is dead.

Steve lovingly assures Steph that what happened to her is not her fault and refers to her as a beautiful, sweet girl. Crawford emerges and ruins the moment. Steve confronts him about what Ford did. Crawford refuses to believe that Ford did anything which he’s being accused of and begs Steph to tell him if she knows where Ford is. She proclaims that the girls have already told the police everything. A stunned Steve questions what Steph means by this. Steph claims that Ford came over drunk and passed out, then left in the morning. Crawford desponds how Ford’s disappearance has been making his wife sick and predicts that not knowing what happened to her boy will kill her. Steph apologizes for not feeling pain for his son. “Your son raped me. I hate him,” admits an afflicted Stephanie. Crawford claims that whatever his son did or did not do is irrelevant and begs her to spill where he is. Steph continues to deny anything. Chelsea enters and announces that Ford is dead. Crawford is livid.

At the psychic shop, Shawn pounds on the door as Chloe hides. He displays the Celtic symbol to the man and insists he’s just there to pick up the little girl. The man frisks him and asks for some ID, but Shawn doesn’t have any and claims he was only sent to pick up a little girl. The man questions who sent him. “Stefano DiMera,” claims Shawn. The man grabs Shawn and nearly chokes him. Chloe hits the guy from behind and knocks him out. Shawn claims he had the guy just where he wanted him and berates Chloe for not keeping a lookout. He recounts how the guy went ballistic on him at the mention of Stefano’s name. Shawn and Chloe deduce that Stefano’s not involved and wonder who they’re dealing with. “Stefano’s enemies,” answers Rob as he appears. Shawn recognizes him and urges Chloe to call 911. “Where’s my daughter?” demands Shawn. Rob claims she’s safe. Shawn gets aggressive with Rob and reiterates his demand. Meanwhile, Chloe phones 911 and urges them to hurry. Rob points a gun at Shawn and orders him to back off. He insists he was only trying to get Belle and Claire to safety, but Belle got away and they still have Claire. Shawn urges him to tell where Claire is and in exchange he’ll let Rob walk out of there. Rob reminds him who’s holding the gun. Shawn refuses to budge and dares him to shoot, theorizing that if he’s really trying to protect Claire, then he won’t want to put a bullet in her father’s chest. The other guy slowly gets up as Shawn threatens to beat the living crap out of Rob. “You’re leaving out a minor detail: the gun. You’re on the wrong end of it,” Rob warns as the other guy is about to hit Shawn from behind. The guy takes off when they hear police sirens. Rob hits Shawn and attempts to flee, but Shawn beats the crap out of him demanding to know where his daughter is. Two cops pulls Shawn off of Rob as Shawn furiously insists that Rob kidnaped his daughter. Chloe jumps in and announces that she’s the one who made the 911 call and that Rob kidnaped Shawn’s daughter. “Tell me where Claire is you son of a bitch! Tell me where she is, damn it!” Shawn furiously demands.

The cops later escort Rob down to the station. Shawn asks the officer at the scene to shine his light above, where they uncover photos of Roman, Hope, John, and other folks tied to the Bradys.
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