Health & Medical sports & Exercise

How to Lose Those Love Handles Fast!

Want to learn how to lose love handles fast? Great.
Here are three exercises which will get rid of those unsightly love handles.
Be warned, your effort is required.
There is no magic formula which will get rid of your love handles without any work.
ABC's This exercise works out your lower abs like no other.
Lie on your back with your feet sticking straight out and your hands under your butt for stability.
Lift your legs about 6-8 inches off the ground and write the ABC's in the air with your toes.
Try your best to make it all the way to Z.
If you are looking for an extra challenge with this exercise, take your time with every single letter, and "write" it as neatly as you can in the air.
Strengthen Your Lower Back If you are going to be working out your abs, you MUST be working out your lower back as well.
This will ensure muscle balance as well as get rid of any flab that is near the backside of your waste.
There are many exercises to strengthen your back.
It does not matter which exercise you choose, just remember to keep the number of repetitions high (10-12 per set).
This will promote much more fat loss because they focus on muscle endurance rather than building strength only.
Bridge Abdomen bridges are going to work BOTH your lower back and your abs at the same time.
What you want to do is get in the push-up position and plant your forearms on the ground.
Make your back straight and your abs flexed as tightly as you can.
Stay in this position for 30 seconds to begin with.
As your muscle endurance improves, you will be able to increase the interval times.
These exercises will get rid of those love handles FAST.
Assuming you follow through and actually do them!
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