Have you noticed loose sagging skin surfacing on your face and neck? Are you ready to except the fact that age is upon you or are you considering options to reverse the situation? For all you guys and girls looking for a safe effective option read on.
If you are like me you wonder why some of us age faster than others? Genetics play a part in this as well as our lifestyle.
Maybe you spend a lot of time in the sun.
Free radical damage from over exposure to the sun certainly is a large contributor to the cause of signs of early aging to our skin.
Like myself you have probably spent a small fortune on well known brands of skin care products only to realize that the product has not lived up to your expectations.
You may be considering a surgical face lift.
A face lift is expensive, there is risk involved and it will do nothing to improve the quality of your skin.
Of course the loose sagging skin will be removed but more will begin to form.
Botox is another option.
It is expensive and unwanted side effects can occur.
You will need regular botox top ups and again it does nothing to improve the quality of your skin.
It is also a shame to paralyze your nice facial expressions.
Practically speaking you can improve on your diet.
You know, healthy fruit, vegetables and meat, fish or nuts for protein.
Eliminate the junk foods and everything in moderation.
A lot of people often under estimate the value of filtered water.
Filtered water will hydrate your skin cells so that they are fresher and plumper.
Water will wash out the toxins in your body and help normalize your weight.
Aim for at least 8 glasses daily.
If you do not like the taste of water try adding a slice of lemon to make it more palatable.
Try to get enough sleep and exercise and your loose sagging skin will begin to show some signs of improvement and so will your health.
However, you still need special help for your skin to give it the lift it really needs to reverse the effects of aging.
Now for the exciting news.
An independent skin care company in New Zealand has been quietly working behind the scenes using world renown scientists to come up with the best chemical free skin care products available.
They have discovered a brilliant way to get the skin to reproduce it`s own collagen and elastin .
As you know the breakdown of collagen and elastin is what causes loose sagging skin.
What is even better is that they have discovered a way to allow the product to penetrate the skin so that it can be effective.
The ingredient is called Functional Keratin.
What is unique about this ingredient is that it studies have shown it to improve skin elasticity of 42% over 18 days and maintain it.
One of the many bonuses is that functional keratin is very high in antioxidants that reverse damage from free radicals.
There are many products that contain keratin but the molecular structure is too large for your skin to absorb it.
They are no use to your skin.
To learn more about helping your loose sagging skin please click on the link.
If you are like me you wonder why some of us age faster than others? Genetics play a part in this as well as our lifestyle.
Maybe you spend a lot of time in the sun.
Free radical damage from over exposure to the sun certainly is a large contributor to the cause of signs of early aging to our skin.
Like myself you have probably spent a small fortune on well known brands of skin care products only to realize that the product has not lived up to your expectations.
You may be considering a surgical face lift.
A face lift is expensive, there is risk involved and it will do nothing to improve the quality of your skin.
Of course the loose sagging skin will be removed but more will begin to form.
Botox is another option.
It is expensive and unwanted side effects can occur.
You will need regular botox top ups and again it does nothing to improve the quality of your skin.
It is also a shame to paralyze your nice facial expressions.
Practically speaking you can improve on your diet.
You know, healthy fruit, vegetables and meat, fish or nuts for protein.
Eliminate the junk foods and everything in moderation.
A lot of people often under estimate the value of filtered water.
Filtered water will hydrate your skin cells so that they are fresher and plumper.
Water will wash out the toxins in your body and help normalize your weight.
Aim for at least 8 glasses daily.
If you do not like the taste of water try adding a slice of lemon to make it more palatable.
Try to get enough sleep and exercise and your loose sagging skin will begin to show some signs of improvement and so will your health.
However, you still need special help for your skin to give it the lift it really needs to reverse the effects of aging.
Now for the exciting news.
An independent skin care company in New Zealand has been quietly working behind the scenes using world renown scientists to come up with the best chemical free skin care products available.
They have discovered a brilliant way to get the skin to reproduce it`s own collagen and elastin .
As you know the breakdown of collagen and elastin is what causes loose sagging skin.
What is even better is that they have discovered a way to allow the product to penetrate the skin so that it can be effective.
The ingredient is called Functional Keratin.
What is unique about this ingredient is that it studies have shown it to improve skin elasticity of 42% over 18 days and maintain it.
One of the many bonuses is that functional keratin is very high in antioxidants that reverse damage from free radicals.
There are many products that contain keratin but the molecular structure is too large for your skin to absorb it.
They are no use to your skin.
To learn more about helping your loose sagging skin please click on the link.