Society & Culture & Entertainment Religion & Spirituality

Can You Be a True Christian and Still Have a Swell Time on This Earth?

Yes you can.
But first, we must understand what being a true christian really means.
This is important otherwise we'll miss the whole point.
Living a Christian life simply means living that life which is devoid of those activities that cause harm to our neighbour.
In other words, abstaining from those things which are not of benefit to those with whom we interact.
Definitely, this doesn't mean we cannot go on picnics, neither does it suggest that we cannot have parties, or go on outings with friends.
It doesn't also say we cannot play tennis or listen to music.
Surely we are allowed to have fun.
Off course we are.
But, in having fun, in living life, in pursuing our personal desires, we should not cause harm to others.
This is the Will of God for us.
And in order to make it easier for us to understand what falls into the category of "causing harm" to others, we are given the ten commandments as a guide.
This is in addition to our conscience, which is meant to alert us if we are heading in the wrong direction but which unfortunately, we always fail to heed.
So we are free to have fun, so long as we do not harm our neighbour.
We are free...
free to talk, but not to gossip; free to drink, but only those drinks that nourish our bodies; free to have sex, but only with our spouses; free to party, but not half naked or with intent to sexually intimidate; free to make money, but not to the detriment of our neighbour, not by fraud or deceit.
We are free.
But are we? Really! Can we decide to abstain from indiscriminate sex and keep by our decision? Can we decide not to gossip or tarnish the image of others and keep by it? Can we decide not to obtain money by hoax from people or steal from them, and keep by it? Can we decide on anything positive at all? Or is there something that decides long in advance some of the evils we must do? Something we seem powerless under; something dark..
Are we therefore really free? Those who serve The Almighty God are.
Are you? Where do you stand? Whom do you serve?
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