Business & Finance Blogging

What Has Money Got to Do With Blogging?

Internet marketing is like a jigsaw puzzle, very frustrating until you make the pieces fit.
However, if you get it right you can set up a process, which can be the gateway to your dreams.
I would defy anyone to say they don't want to be rich.
Materialism may not be everyone's cup of tea but with money comes freedom and time.
Used wisely, money is not the source of all evil.
Money enables you to spend time with friends and family doing the things you want to do.
Money allows you to travel to places you've never been and meet people you'd never otherwise get to see.
It allows you to give to charities, good causes and help others.
Someone famous once said, "The best way to help the poor is not to be one of them".
Admittedly, money can't buy you love or good health but it can make life much easier and far more pleasant.
So what has money got to do with blogging? Well, blogs are probably the easiest way to make money on the Internet.
They require little, if any, financial investment and only a small regular time commitment.
Blogging is easy once you know how, but many people are put off even attempting it except on a personal basis because of the technical side of things.
The amount of people who give up because of it is well over 90%.
However, nothing ventured, nothing gained and believe me, there's a lot to gain! Many people make substantial incomes from blogging and the crazy thing about it is most of their income comes when they are actually not working.
In the real world people trade time for money.
If you are in a "job", the more hours you work, the more you get paid.
However, in the internet world, if you set up systems it's usually the time you are not working which reap the most reward.
It sound too good to be true but is indeed possible.
Fortunately for us non "techies" there are some very successful bloggers who have shared their plans, tips and techniques and I, for one, have greatly benefited from their sound advice.
If you are a beginner, or could benefit from secret tips and techniques to enable you to break free from the day job and live the life of your dreams, I recommend you check out some of the revealing new systems which are geared up to Web 2.
I did.
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