Society & Culture & Entertainment Games

SC 2 Hints

StarCraft (SC) 2 has a lot of similarities which carried over from the first game, but there are a lot of new things, as well.
Therefore, keep these SC 2 hints in mind for rocking your competition no matter what race you're playing as or against.
First and foremost for basic SC 2 hints, if you played the first game and had a favorite race, it is recommended that you carry that race over into the second and continue using it as you know and are familiar with their units and structures.
This will save you time from having to relearn everything so you can focus on the changes they've made.
Conversely if you haven't played the first game much or didn't have a favorite race, you should think about trying them all in this game and taking one which you are going to stick with and play with most of the time so you can learn everything there is to know about that race.
As the proverb goes, it's far more important to be the best at one thing than pretty good at everything.
No one race is better than the other two.
It all depends on how you play with that race as the weaknesses of any other race including your own can be exploited if you know what you're doing.
An extension of that first of these SC 2 hints, it's important that you stick with one race so you can learn the various build orders associated with each race and their more advanced buildings and units.
Any avid player knows that the build order is simply the order in which you build up your forces but it can get very specific and technical depending on what strategy you decide to pursue.
For example, if you decide that you want to pursue an aerial attack, there are different buildings associated with that kind of attack that you wouldn't even waste time on if you are going to stick to an early ground rush.
Once you have a working knowledge of your races varies build orders, you can react to any kind of attack and pursue any kind of strategy you want.
Scouting is also one of the most important SC 2 hints which easily gets overlooked too often, so make sure you do that as often and as early as possible without sacrificing or cutting into your build time.
Scouting can be essential for planning an attack or defense.
For example, if you see that your opponent is starting and planning on launching in early aerial attack, there are units which can easily defend against it but you've got to have them ready otherwise you'll be defenseless as they tear up your base.
Also important is that you consult one of the more current SC 2 hints guides rather than the official guide sold in stores to accompany the game.
I'm referring to online-based guides which beta testers and diamond level players have developed themselves after learning all the various strategies associated with each race and sharing tips and tricks with others.
This way you get to be kept up to date on the latest SC 2 hints as these guides are constantly updated because they typically exist in a member type setting of the website which can be frequently updated.
This also gives you access to tips that the vast majority of other players of the game don't have access to or knowledge of, putting you far ahead of the vast majority of your competition without needing hours and hours of experience.
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