Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Self-Directed Learning and God"s Plan for Your Life - Are You Provision-Minded or Assignment-Minded?

Whether you were called to be a mother of five who is silently pouring her life into her offspring, or an evangelist who travels around the world and wins millions of souls for the kingdom of God, you have an assignment to accomplish on this planet.
We have all been created with a unique combination of gifts and talents to fulfill this assignment.
And these talents need to be developed and exploited to successfully walk in God's perfect plan.
The truth is that one day we will all stand before our Lord and we will have to give an account about what we have done with our gifts and talents on planet earth during our short stay here.
I'm not getting melodramatic.
And I don't want to poke fingers at you and make you feel bad about what you are doing or not doing.
I want to help you stay focused on what really matters.
That famous cliché phrase, "If this were your last day on earth...
" has that same effect on us.
And it is of utmost importance that we meditate on our goals and reevaluate our life every now and then.
In our hurry, hurry world nowadays, all of us can easily get carried away by myriads of distractions instead of doing what God has specially designed us for.
With all the pressure we are exposed to daily, our minds will tend to focus more on providing for the immediate circumstances that surround us.
That's okay as long as provision doesn't become your main goal in life.
No matter what happens, we should strive to always keep our eyes on our God-given assignment instead.
And that is the best place for any human being to be in: In the middle of God's will for his or her life.
The wonderful thing about the plan of God for our life, is that it is always the best alternative to go for.
No other option can provide us with the abundant fruit and the accomplishment of a fulfilled life than obediently walking in His unique design for our existence.
That is why it is of uttermost important that we:
  • De-clutter our life ofunnecessary distractions
  • Peal away all the damaginginfluences we are surrounded by
  • Aggressively pursue aneducation that will develop our distinctive skills and talents
  • And keep our eyes focused onthe one and only important thing:
One day we will stand before Jesus and He'll say, "Well done, good and faithful servant.
" All of us will want to hear Him say that.
That is why it is so important to step out and reach for a higher level.
Let's aim for excellence in everything we do for Him! The most effective way for furthering your own talents is by following the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
God has not endued us with these gifts and then abandoned us to figure everything out for ourselves.
He sent the Holy Spirit to help us on our way.
If you have given your life to Jesus, the Holy Spirit lives in you and will faithfully guide you in every step you have to take.
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