Society & Culture & Entertainment Religion & Spirituality

How to Talk to a Girl on MSN

    • 1). Be honest about your age and who you are. One of the things that turns girls off most about talking to guys on Messenger is lying. Lying about your age or claiming to be someone else will have repercussions if you meet a girl after talking on-line.

    • 2). Ask her questions about herself, but don't get too personal. Girls like to know that you are interested in them, but they don't want you to ask personal questions like where they live or go to school. Find out her taste in movies, music or TV shows, or if she has any hobbies or special talents. Focusing on her without crossing boundaries shows you respect her.

    • 3). Tell her anecdotes about yourself that show her your specific interests. You can share stories about yourself without getting too personal as well. If you have any hobbies or special interests, tell her about what you like to do. Don't brag or talk about money, as this tends to turn girls off when talking to guys on Messenger.

    • 4). Don't be sexually aggressive, weird or creepy. The Internet is full of perverts and predators, and talking about sex right away is a sure way to get her to block you from contacting her on Messenger. If you are chatting with her regularly, she obviously knows you're interested and bringing up sex just seems overeager and pushy.

    • 5). Don't talk about physical appearance right away. This is one of the biggest mistakes that guys make when talking to girls on Messenger. Bringing up looks right off the bat, such as telling her she's gorgeous or beautiful, will probably make her think that your main interest is in sleeping with her.

    • 6). Leave a video message once, but don't overdo it. One of the features of Messenger is being able to leave a video message for a contact who is unavailable. Leaving a random video message once is cute and will probably make her smile, but don't do it regularly or you will attain stalker status.

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