When it comes to strength training programs, you need one that works.
Sounds simple enough, but if you've tried to get the body you dream of or the strength you want through traditional methods then no, this is no easy task.
To find a program that works you need to understand what will make your muscles and body change.
You also need to find out how you're making matters worse.
When it comes to strength training programs you need one that focuses and applies the dynamics of science.
In short, you need to push, pull, squat, dead-lift, rotate, flex and extend muscles and groups of muscles.
All that dancing, jumping, stretching and alike you're doing on machines and in classes simply doesn't work, as most of it skips any of the above aspects.
For an exercise to be effective, it must employ one or more of the above movements.
Now you can say goodbye to those terrible step classes which never put your body in the right positions to change.
We make these movements throughout the day and these should be the backbone of working out.
Watch weight lifters and you'll see this in action without a doubt.
Now your strength training program should also eliminate things making matters worse; specifically use of cardio machines.
I know you love them and can't live without them (I'm being sarcastic of course), but have no worries, as the right routine more then covers cardio health and fitness (reference Shin Ohtake for more information).
Forget what you know and what you've been doing and join those who get things done instead.
You can do it and you can do it on your own if you have a credible guide and the right information, so avoid advertisements and as seen on television equipment.
Sounds simple enough, but if you've tried to get the body you dream of or the strength you want through traditional methods then no, this is no easy task.
To find a program that works you need to understand what will make your muscles and body change.
You also need to find out how you're making matters worse.
When it comes to strength training programs you need one that focuses and applies the dynamics of science.
In short, you need to push, pull, squat, dead-lift, rotate, flex and extend muscles and groups of muscles.
All that dancing, jumping, stretching and alike you're doing on machines and in classes simply doesn't work, as most of it skips any of the above aspects.
For an exercise to be effective, it must employ one or more of the above movements.
Now you can say goodbye to those terrible step classes which never put your body in the right positions to change.
We make these movements throughout the day and these should be the backbone of working out.
Watch weight lifters and you'll see this in action without a doubt.
Now your strength training program should also eliminate things making matters worse; specifically use of cardio machines.
I know you love them and can't live without them (I'm being sarcastic of course), but have no worries, as the right routine more then covers cardio health and fitness (reference Shin Ohtake for more information).
Forget what you know and what you've been doing and join those who get things done instead.
You can do it and you can do it on your own if you have a credible guide and the right information, so avoid advertisements and as seen on television equipment.