One of the funniest things that you'll see if you go out to bars and clubs even just a little bit, is seeing just how many guys go out with a group of buddies thinking that they are going to have a better chance of meeting women that way. Here is the thing, when you see 5 guys walk into a place like that, what's the first thing or one of the first things that you think to yourself? You probably think, here's another group of guys trying to pick up women, right?
Guess what?
Just about every woman is thinking the same thing. So, right off the bat, if you go out like that - you are going to find that a good portion of the women in the bar or the club are already going to be a little bit defensive to you. Because they know that just about every time you see a group of guys go into a bar or a club, they are usually either going to be too rowdy and ruin the fun for a lot of the other people there or they are going to try to work the room.
Here is a better way if you want to have success in meeting women - Go out with some women.
That's right.
Not only will you find that you don't have that repelling effect that you do have when you are with a bunch of guys, you'll also find that having women with you can actually help you to attract women. Plus, you don't have to worry about you and one of your guy friends liking the same woman and then "competing" with one another for her attention.
That happens a lot.
Guys will compete with each other over a woman, even if one clearly has the upper hand. The other will try to come into the conversation and say something to put you down or to try to distract her from talking to you.
Women don't do that.
I found this out quite some time ago and it has made a TON of difference in the results that I get. When you are sitting at a table with a couple of women and you see someone who catches your eye and you approach her and ask her to come join you - one of the first things that she does is look over at the table. If she were to see a bunch of guys - she is almost always going to decline.
If she sees that it is just you and a couple of women - that is a different story.
Guess what?
Just about every woman is thinking the same thing. So, right off the bat, if you go out like that - you are going to find that a good portion of the women in the bar or the club are already going to be a little bit defensive to you. Because they know that just about every time you see a group of guys go into a bar or a club, they are usually either going to be too rowdy and ruin the fun for a lot of the other people there or they are going to try to work the room.
Here is a better way if you want to have success in meeting women - Go out with some women.
That's right.
Not only will you find that you don't have that repelling effect that you do have when you are with a bunch of guys, you'll also find that having women with you can actually help you to attract women. Plus, you don't have to worry about you and one of your guy friends liking the same woman and then "competing" with one another for her attention.
That happens a lot.
Guys will compete with each other over a woman, even if one clearly has the upper hand. The other will try to come into the conversation and say something to put you down or to try to distract her from talking to you.
Women don't do that.
I found this out quite some time ago and it has made a TON of difference in the results that I get. When you are sitting at a table with a couple of women and you see someone who catches your eye and you approach her and ask her to come join you - one of the first things that she does is look over at the table. If she were to see a bunch of guys - she is almost always going to decline.
If she sees that it is just you and a couple of women - that is a different story.