Most guys would like to be attractive to women.
Knowing that you could like a girl and potentially have her be attracted to you is a nice thing to know.
There are some things that you can do that will help you become more attractive to women.
Not that looks are the most important thing to a woman, it's best to try to look your best.
This means that you take care of yourself.
If you could be in a little better shape, you work on that.
Dress a bit better as opposed to looking like a slob.
Looks typically are less important to women than they are to men, but they can still matter in terms of attraction.
Being confident is key with women.
If you are down, hanging your head low, can't look at her in the eyes, and overall act almost negative, she isn't going to like you as much.
You have to be confident about who you are.
There is a fine line that you don't want to cross.
If you get too confident, you can look arrogant which to many women is a turn off.
Learn to listen to women.
This means that you hear what is being said and remember it as well as learning to hear between the lines and know what is really being said.
What she says has to be important to you for you to be able to listen to her.
Become comfortable talking to women.
Some guys don't feel comfortable with women around.
Just learn how to be comfortable around them even if you aren't dating them.
Try to make friends with women and do things with them to learn to feel comfortable.
Try not to have much of an agenda.
This means that you let conversations and relationships flow naturally as opposed to trying to force them to what you want.
If a woman feels you are in it all for something else, she won't be as attracted.
Know that no matter how attractive you could be, some women just won't like you that way.
Many women have a type.
If you aren't her type, she might not notice you.
Knowing that you could like a girl and potentially have her be attracted to you is a nice thing to know.
There are some things that you can do that will help you become more attractive to women.
Not that looks are the most important thing to a woman, it's best to try to look your best.
This means that you take care of yourself.
If you could be in a little better shape, you work on that.
Dress a bit better as opposed to looking like a slob.
Looks typically are less important to women than they are to men, but they can still matter in terms of attraction.
Being confident is key with women.
If you are down, hanging your head low, can't look at her in the eyes, and overall act almost negative, she isn't going to like you as much.
You have to be confident about who you are.
There is a fine line that you don't want to cross.
If you get too confident, you can look arrogant which to many women is a turn off.
Learn to listen to women.
This means that you hear what is being said and remember it as well as learning to hear between the lines and know what is really being said.
What she says has to be important to you for you to be able to listen to her.
Become comfortable talking to women.
Some guys don't feel comfortable with women around.
Just learn how to be comfortable around them even if you aren't dating them.
Try to make friends with women and do things with them to learn to feel comfortable.
Try not to have much of an agenda.
This means that you let conversations and relationships flow naturally as opposed to trying to force them to what you want.
If a woman feels you are in it all for something else, she won't be as attracted.
Know that no matter how attractive you could be, some women just won't like you that way.
Many women have a type.
If you aren't her type, she might not notice you.