Health & Medical sports & Exercise

Zumba Fitness Dance - What is Zumba?

Everybody at some point during their lives takes a look at themselves and decides that they need to get fit.
Zumba is a fitness dance craze that has, literally taken the world by storm and is best described as an amazing way of getting fit whilst having fun the phenomenon came about when a dance/fitness Instructor in Columbia had to improvise at one of his regular classes, having forgotten his usual music.
He used his own salsa/meringue combination which was an instant success, which has now caught on all over the world.
So what does Zumba involve? It involves dance moves set to upbeat Latin salsa and meringue music and is usually done in classes that last for an hour.
The atmosphere in the classes is lively, with a big emphasis on having fun.
The problem with getting fit is that we can become bored very quickly and lose interest.
Zumba has become such a phenomenal success and so popular worldwide because it is highly motivational.
You are getting an amazing work out and having fun.
Can anybody Zumba? Like any fitness regime you have to start slowly and build up your fitness levels.
That is the great thing with Zumba it really does not matter if you are not fit when you start or whether you think you cannot dance.
The beauty of it is that you can 'Zumba' at a level that is suitable to you.
Within no time you will see a dramatic improvement in your overall body shape - it is a fantastic way to tone your whole body with the dance moves using all the muscle groups.
The other big benefit to your health is the cardiovascular work out that you get.
We are constantly being told that any form of exercise that ultimately elevates your pulse rate and therefore your heart beat, is key to better overall health.
Zumba does this very effectively and you are still having fun remember! The upbeat tempo of the music guarantees the feel good factor you cannot but help tap your feet in time.
So it is no problem to get your body involved and moving.
The party atmosphere in the classes makes it really easy to join in and go with the Zumba flow, it is very infectious.
Age does not present a problem as you only ever Zumba to your capabilities and who says you have to be young to be fit? Ultimately, as with any exercise regime the more effort you put in, the higher the fitness rewards.
Enjoy getting fit while having fun.
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