- Most dogs can benefit from an eye wash to get rid of scum and infection that forms along the hairline around dogs' eyes. If the dog often gets eye irritation, try eyebright, an herb rich in the compound tannin, which has astringent properties. Purchase eyebright in a tea form and use as an eye wash.
- Fleas are generally the culprit responsible for itching. If the dog is not allergic to brewers yeast, administer a teaspoon per day to deter fleas from embedding themselves. Other causes of itching include hot spots, which can be helped with a dose of tea tree oil. Tea tree will help soothe the skin and moisturize dryness, while its bitter flavor will prevent the dog from biting excessively.
- Many dogs suffer from anxiety, especially if the owner is absent or there is a change in living conditions. Lavender essential oil, an excellent aromatherapy treatment for humans and dogs alike, can be applied to the dog's collar, under its neck or on the pet's bed or carrier. The soothing smell will help anxiety. Treat nervousness and stress with a combination of valerian and chamomile extract.
- Dogs, like people, are susceptible to the common cold. If you suspect your pet is feeling down, give her a dose of garlic in her food. Garlic is a natural antibiotic, and it can help with fleas.
- Older dogs often have trouble with arthritis. Health food stores often supply an herb called horsetail, which will help keep the dog's joints flexible, as well as keep him from losing hair. Hydrangea tinctures can also help with arthritis. For the pain, try a yucca tincture.