Health & Medical Lose Weight

Is Weight Gain a Problem to You?

Do you find yourself putting on an article of clothing and finding that it is tight and does not fit as well as it once did? Or do you find yourself catching a glimpse of yourself in the mirror and unconsciously asking yourself, "Where did all this extra fat come from?" "When and how did this happen?" Sure, you know you have been a bit less careful with what you eat lately and maybe a bit less active which may explain how some of those extra inches may have got there.
But what about the 20 odd additional pounds the bathroom scales is accusing you of? This problem is easy to explain.
If you are an average adult who does not work your muscular system regularly such as with strength training exercise you will be losing around 5-7 pounds of precious muscle tissue every decade of your life.
If you also engage in any sort of yo-yo dieting or not eating properly this will also cost you lost muscle tissue as your body has to scavenge missing protein and other nutrients from the muscle storage sites.
As our muscle tissue is a highly active and demanding tissue from a metabolic perspective any loss of it leads to a lower metabolic rate which is the rate your body burns fuel (calories).
Less fuel used by your muscular system means less calories are being burnt up for energy and instead are being stored in your fat cells.
This is the underlying cause of the gradual body fat gain experience by overweight people.
This is also the reason why people often become more overweight as they get older.
As each decade passes their metabolism is downgraded and less fuel is burnt as more muscle tissue is lost through disuse.
So the solution to the problem is to get your fat burning machinery burning more fuel so it can gobble up the excess fat on your body.
There are a number of ways to approach it: 1) Proper strength training exercise is critical as most people do not have enough muscle building and maintaining activity in their lives so you have to add intentional exercise in 2-3 times each week.
This number of strength training sessions is enough as it is so efficient if you put some effort into it.
This will tone up your muscle tissue and boost your metabolism so it is burning more fuel day and night.
If you do not do this is will continue to slow down and you will continue to put on excess weight over time.
2) Drop your calories slowly, only a couple of hundred to start with.
Do not try and slash them rapidly as this will send your body into a panic, causing it to reduce your metabolism to a halt.
Try and ditch as many processed foods as possible as your body has difficulty processing them.
Stick to whole foods that are closer to their natural state that are not heavily processed.
Although your body is very efficient at storing body fat just these two strategies will work with it rather than against it and help you will get the results you want.
Soon you will be looking into that mirror and secretly smiling to yourself when you like what you see.
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