Save the environment to save yourself.
There is nothing more precious than one's own health and life.
The problem is that environment is such an issue that one cannot solve it for oneself only.
Nobody can bring corrections in the climatic change or green house effect for his own sake.
These issues have to be addressed on a world scale.
The United States was first to identify the suffering from hole in the ionosphere due to incessant use and release of Freon gases.
The developed nations did not find enough elbowroom in their territory to bring good changes in the climate.
Considerable decrease in carbon footprint would mean curtailment in many comforts and luxuries.
There were calls for world summit to save the environment.
Now it is a global issue.
The melting of glaciers and the rise in the sea level is not going to attack the affluent only.
Tsunami may hit any shore.
Greenhouse warming is now called global warming.
We have borrowed the entire future of our children and now we have started eating ourselves through degradation in health and scarcity in natural resources.
Environmental degradation is not a very old issue.
It may be only 1000 years old when man started processing raw material for end products.
They became economic workhorse by producing finished products in quick time.
In this cutthroat competition, they started to be careless about the environment.
They generated solid wastes, which were hazardous.
They did not even care to dispose such waste carefully.
They started polluting the air with toxic emissions.
They polluted water bodies with toxic discharge from factories involved in hazardous processes.
This abuse of environment went on for quite a long time.
This was the era when, deafening noise from the factories used to please the owner since it meant productivity.
Toxic emissions from chimneys were a sign of work in progress.
Even, we as a child, used to locate our beloved train from its emanating brown smoke from quite a distance.
Time had to come when one should think of one's own life in stake.
The precious margin in life span was found to be hidden in saving the environment.
The slender margin of profit was found be in gainful disposal of solid waste, diminishing effluent discharge and less smoke in the air.
For, who does not know that dark smokes coming out of a vehicle is sign of unburnt fuel.
Man is a selfish animal.
He has to save environment to save himself.
There is nothing more precious than one's own health and life.
The problem is that environment is such an issue that one cannot solve it for oneself only.
Nobody can bring corrections in the climatic change or green house effect for his own sake.
These issues have to be addressed on a world scale.
The United States was first to identify the suffering from hole in the ionosphere due to incessant use and release of Freon gases.
The developed nations did not find enough elbowroom in their territory to bring good changes in the climate.
Considerable decrease in carbon footprint would mean curtailment in many comforts and luxuries.
There were calls for world summit to save the environment.
Now it is a global issue.
The melting of glaciers and the rise in the sea level is not going to attack the affluent only.
Tsunami may hit any shore.
Greenhouse warming is now called global warming.
We have borrowed the entire future of our children and now we have started eating ourselves through degradation in health and scarcity in natural resources.
Environmental degradation is not a very old issue.
It may be only 1000 years old when man started processing raw material for end products.
They became economic workhorse by producing finished products in quick time.
In this cutthroat competition, they started to be careless about the environment.
They generated solid wastes, which were hazardous.
They did not even care to dispose such waste carefully.
They started polluting the air with toxic emissions.
They polluted water bodies with toxic discharge from factories involved in hazardous processes.
This abuse of environment went on for quite a long time.
This was the era when, deafening noise from the factories used to please the owner since it meant productivity.
Toxic emissions from chimneys were a sign of work in progress.
Even, we as a child, used to locate our beloved train from its emanating brown smoke from quite a distance.
Time had to come when one should think of one's own life in stake.
The precious margin in life span was found to be hidden in saving the environment.
The slender margin of profit was found be in gainful disposal of solid waste, diminishing effluent discharge and less smoke in the air.
For, who does not know that dark smokes coming out of a vehicle is sign of unburnt fuel.
Man is a selfish animal.
He has to save environment to save himself.