Living green doesn't mean you have to wave goodbye to all the niceties and luxuries of modern life.
There are plenty of things you can do which will help you to live green without total sacrifice.
There are plenty of things you can do which will help you to live green without total sacrifice.
- Re-use: the bags you get every time you shop are good for more than one trip.
Re-use them or, better yet, buy a "bag for life" and use that. - Re-cycle: you probably already have a recycling collection service.
If not, look out for recycling places local to you and drop off your newspapers, bottles, cans, etc next time you are passing.
Don't make a special trip though.
For larger items, if they're still usable then look up Freecycle for your local area. - Eat local produce.
Especially if it's bought fresh from a Farmer's Market.
You'll notice the difference in taste.
And if you buy just what you need (rather than the supersize pack your grocery store normally sells) it probably won't cost much more. - Turn unused appliances off at the socket.
Standby mode still uses lots of energy.
Cut your fuel bills by turning off televisions and other items when they're not in use.
That includes your computer's monitor as well. - Wash your clothes at a lower temperature.
Modern detergents work fine at lower temperatures.
Or throw away the detergent in favor of Eco washing balls. - Turn down the thermostat in the winter (and turn it up in the summer if you use air-conditioning).
One or two degrees difference is barely noticeable, except when the fuel bill arrives. - Compost waste if you have a garden, saving on fertilizer cost and giving your plants a treatment they'll love.