- Packaging your favors in organza lets guests see what they’re getting, while also making the favors look fancy enough to fit the occasion. Buy small organza drawstring bags, or make your own. Lay out squares of organza, place a favor in the middle of each square and gather up the extra fabric, tying each bundle together with a piece of ribbon. Place scented candles, tea bags or cookies decorated with the mom-to-be's and baby’s names. Wrap edible favors in plastic before placing them in fabric to protect them. Make your favors part of the décor by placing one at each guest’s place setting.
- Covering your tables with organza gives them a light, flowing appearance that will immediately draw your guests’ eyes. Since organza is transparent, cover tables with plain cotton tablecloths first and arrange smaller pieces of organza on top, measuring the pieces so that each one covers the table and hangs down one foot on each side. An option that requires less fabric is to decorate with organza table runners. Arrange one foot-wide piece down the center of each table to add some color and interest to plain cotton tablecloths.
- Wrapping organza around bouquets of flowers makes the look as though they’re wrapped up in baby blankets. Bundle a bouquet of flowers together and wrap floral tape around the stems to keep them together. Use sheets of organza to wrap around each bouquet, leaving the tops of the flowers free and securing the fabric in place over the stems using straight pins. Match the color of organza to the color of your flowers for a clean, sweet look, or use different shades to add more color to the shower. These bouquets look beautiful in vases or lying in the center of tables.
- Organza fabric ribbon is more affordable than buying large sheets of the fabric, and a little can go a long way. Tie pieces of ribbon into bows and place one at the center of each plate or tie bows around the backs of chairs. A ribbon mobile is also easy to make, and the mom-to-be can hang it over her baby’s crib later on. Tie lengths of organza ribbon to a wire wreath ring, alternating colors and lengths of ribbon for the most interest. Tie the ends of a long piece of ribbon to either side of the top of the ring and hang the ring from the ceiling or a doorway.